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Addendum to the Minutes of November 1 , 1993 <br /> 7:20 p.m. RESTORATION OF QUASHNET: <br /> Paul Lelito advised he has been retained by Donald Jermyn. Vere was a meeting <br /> on-site with Fish & Wildlife and all parties agreed the slopes. were unstable <br /> and should be stabilized; specific methodology has been recommended,, Soil Con- <br /> servation Service has gone. into more detail on bank restoration. He will graph- <br /> ically show existing conditions and what is proposed for plantings and restor- <br /> ation of the river bed. <br /> He will communicate with the Agent and Fish & Wildlife, The plan will be <br /> acceptable to Fish & Wildlife and SCS and will then come before the Commission <br /> for review. <br /> Mrs, Ferriday asked if the plantings will be in the spring? Mr. Lelito stated <br /> they cannot work now, that would block trout population. It is not an emergency <br /> to be done now but in the spring it would be optimum. <br /> Mr.. Sherman agreed. H -advised be had discussions with Don Jermyn who brought u <br /> that in the future he may want to do more work in the river. He should do this <br /> as a Notice of Intent. <br /> Mr. Lelito stated a dike has built up over twelve years. The proposed plan will <br /> show existing conditions and an ongoing maintenance plan. <br /> Mrs. Ferriday would like to know who is going to do the work and the landscapers <br /> involved. <br /> Mr. Lelito advised Mr. Jermyn will want his workers to do the work. <br /> Mrs. Ferriday stated it would have to be supervised by Mr. Lelito, <br /> Mr. Lelito will unite that into his report of ter discussing it with his client. <br /> Mr. Sherman stated filing fees will have to be discussed; this has not been <br /> discus e s with i wn Coimsel. It would be 'best controlled under a formal Notice <br /> f Intent and Order of Conditions. The CoTanission is not out tcrucify ?Ir. .Jermyn; <br /> e wants maintenance in the future. <br /> �Ir. Sh pan agreed to sat down with fir. Lelito to set fees anci categories. It will <br /> be . fter-The-."act under the t m bylaw, small potatoes when considerinthe cost of <br /> the dean-zip. <br /> 1 `, I.plj'to sticqpe, t �• � rnmi sr-j on will he .1 ookin + f r- a Notice of Intent . qher.rlan <br /> as od Inr_ a let tee' tati.nt; the anticipated �l*lino date. <br /> fr FtiOLq]a if tliey will restore invel-t� rir.P I.j'f ? _'4r.. Leli t.c stated <br /> L I'e .. i s t ��=� arc 11 be ' ����.?ie r enho- ji ] n- �,' a s proposed. <br /> i- Ferriday t I: nKed him for cominn in. <br />