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Conservation Commission <br /> March 2 , 1992 <br /> Page 104 <br /> There is a possibility of a violation and they should address it without going the <br /> violation route. If she chooses not to give us the benefit of the evaluation, the <br /> Comndssion hill proceed with an Enforcement order, <br /> Vim: Motion made and seconded to write a letter stating problems involved and the <br /> meed for expert opinion. They will have to pay for the consultant's one page <br /> report and address the problems. Unanimous Note. <br /> LEVM: An order off` Conditions was issued for a pier in Jehu Pond, but not float, <br /> His lawyer asked tat,he be allowed to leave it in and was told he could not. <br /> It is now ire and his attorney, Robert Mills, stated he had to leave It in because <br /> he is going for an amnesty permit. <br /> Motion made and seconded that the Agent fax a letter to Robert Mills that the <br /> Levine float be taken out in one week or $300 per day fine be Initiated. <br /> Mr. Sherman suggested sending him a letter. He was in for assistance <br /> with filing but got angry wih the Fees and stated will take it out. will be <br /> allowed IO days to take it out or file for it or a $300 per day Fine w11 be issued. <br /> OT : Motion made and seconded that a letter be sent to Robert Courtemanche stating <br /> the fence be removed within 10 days or a Notice of Intent be filed. If he <br /> does not comply, $300 per day fine will be initiated. Unanimous Vote. Y <br /> I Al I TIS: Workmen were on the site to do the dock. Susan St. Pierre insists <br /> Notice of latent sloes not have to be filed. There was a filing for the bulkhead; <br /> it is not an issue now. <br /> i <br /> Mrs. Si n n stated if it is a seasonal dock, it should not be there. If permanent, � <br /> it should be filed for.. <br /> Mr, Sherman suggested a compromise; file a Notice of Intent, urge category 21 fee <br /> for everything and no After-The- Fact Fee. <br /> Mrs. Fudala felt the Commission should follow policies. <br /> Mrs. Simmons suggested throwing thein a bone, let them file under 21. Mrs* Terrio <br /> agreed. <br /> When they h list the bubbler, they can be made to do sedimentation tests for turbidity. <br /> e <br /> Vow: Motion made and seconded to allow them to file a Notice of Intent for everything <br /> and charge a Category 21 fee with no After-The�Fact fee. Unanimous vote. <br /> 12WT: Plan was reviewed showing retaining walls. <br /> Notion made and seconded to close the hearing with the receipt of adequate <br /> j.n `ormati.on and issue order of Conditions. <br /> DE INS: <br /> Motion made and seconded to close the hearing having received information <br /> requested. Unanimous Vote. <br /> CRANBERRY mss: dere is an article for which we will have to request a three year <br /> extension. Joe Reardon gage the language. Mrs. Simmons will meet wi <br />
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