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Y <br /> ' Conservation Commission <br /> January 25, 1990 <br /> Page 1 . <br /> Policy on Revised Fees : Mr. Sherman suggested photocopies of revised or add- <br /> itional fees paid be provided to the Commission. After discussion, it was <br /> agreed this responsibility should lie with the state. <br /> Proposed addition for Dock Orders : To be added: "any changes must be referred <br /> to the Board of Appeals". <br /> Dock Fees : Dock fee policy attar e . <br /> Cardarelli : A letter received from Hoxie Landscaping stated all the work has <br /> been dere. They would like the bond released and Town Counsel suggested it <br /> should be released if stipulations have been followed. Question was raised <br /> concerning a condition that a growth season be completed. <br /> letter from Christine Gault was read concerning a clean up campaign, She <br /> cited 1lle al dumping on the Quashnet River Property. A copy of the letter' <br /> to be sent to the D.P.W. and Board of Health* <br /> Noted: Meeting at WEBNRR tomorrow and seminar on March g - 9:30 - 12:00. <br /> At 10:00 Edwin Beeby was present and care forward to be interviewed as he would <br /> be unavailable on February 8. He referred to his 1 Iter for background purposes. <br /> Mr. Coffey asked him to expand on h i s experience and attitude about the environ- <br /> ment. <br /> n ir n- <br /> ment. <br /> Mr, Beeby stated the environment must be preserved maintaining a happy medium <br /> between preservation while alloi-ng people to enjoy it; you can't build a <br /> fence around it. <br /> Mrs. Simmons stated he has expressed willingness to help during the day as <br /> he is retired and would be willing to do special projects for the Commission. <br /> She asked his thoughts on what the Commission could do for public education. <br /> Mr. Beeby- suggested. the regulations could be explained more clearly, sore <br /> people are not aware the things they are doing are not permitted. The ACEC <br /> is confusing-, he suggested a public seminar. <br /> When asked what talents he thought he would bring to the Commission he stated <br /> he can read a drawing and has the time and interest. He has a technical educ- <br /> ation and can learn whatever he doesn't know. <br /> . Coffey sl ed if he was a boater and a fisherman and was told he i s. <br /> Mr. Halpern noted he was well-traveled and asked how he would ompare Mashpee <br /> Frith other areas of the world. <br /> Nor. Beeby stated he saw Tokyo Bay when it was cleaned and twenty years later. <br /> They cleaned i t up in tern years and the fish care back. <br /> Concerning problems unique to Mashpee, he cited growth , development the size <br /> f New Seabury, and asked if the cranberry bogs were also unique. He also <br /> noted the total coastline, fresh and salt, in comparison to ether cape towns. <br /> Mr. Beeby was thanked for h i s attendance- and interest. <br /> Daniel ' s Island Improvement Assoc. : $10,000 bond has been agreed to be delivered <br /> to the Commission before constru tierr and will be released upon satisfactory <br /> completion. - Order of Conditions issued. <br />