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Conservation Commission <br /> *November 15, 1990 <br /> Page 1 . <br /> ORDS OF CONDITIONS Issue: .John Sullivan, Redwood Circle. Plan-date: 3/1/90 <br /> Bennett Gordon. it + 9O <br /> Leon Rosenberg. "' 6/29/90 <br /> �NALD'S + has been received. <br /> MDNTHLY REPORT was distributed for review. <br /> UPGRADE:CUMPUTER To be funded out of the Conservation Fund. <br /> Vim: Motion made and seconded to spend up to $700.00 to upgrade the computer. <br /> REGULATIONS: Revised regulations were distributed for review with updates to be <br /> mailed to the engineers. <br /> CABLE: Mr. Homeyer advised when the contract was negotiated by the town, it was set <br /> up that public service messages are free. They have a six-week workshop set up for <br /> Tr.edy evenings to learn how to set-up, run and edit the program. They have portable <br /> equipment also. <br /> Mrs. Simons advised John Ferriday is scheduled to take the course. she suggested DEP <br /> be contacted for any prefiled material they may have. <br /> Ir. Desrosiers stated he would like to take the course if it could be held on Tuesday. <br /> BERRY BOA: Payment has been received from Handy for the Childs River Bog in the <br /> amount o $1130.00. <br /> Concerning the lease with Jermyn and Hallet, Mrs. sir ns advised the price has not <br /> been fixed for this year t s crop. The Selectmen should be made aware of this. <br /> Noted: The addendum to the appraisal is overdue. <br /> DONATION OF LAND: The Agent advised Lr. Prthero has offered to donate five islands <br /> in Hamblin Pond to the Commission. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded to accept the offer from Dr. Prothero. <br /> JAMIE memo from Kevin Harrington to Mr. Regan was read. <br /> Mr. Sherman advised Mr. Regan was contacted and an interview scheduled. He did not <br /> appear or phone until one week later. Recommendations to the Board of Selectmen had <br /> been forwarded at that point. It was noted Mr. Regan would not accept an Associate <br /> Membership, <br /> Mr. Coffey stated, at Mr. Regan's previous interview, the words conservation or the <br /> environment were never used. A letter to be seat to the selectmen by the Chairman <br /> with facts and dates. <br /> CORRMPOI EME: Metro from .Jeremy,Canter was read re a meeting on November 26, 1990 <br /> a :OO p.m. to address town wide Issues and priorities. <br /> Letter received from Atty. William Henchy re Alfred Bafaro. This Issue has been held <br /> up by Appeals Board matters and no ruling from the Building Inspector. He demands that <br /> the Commission issue an Order of Conditions within ten days or he will appeal the Comm- <br /> ission's <br /> orrm- <br /> ission#s failure to act and seek an order from the Superior Court. <br /> Mr. Sherman advised he has been unable to get a clear answer from anyone whether this <br /> case has been legally resolved. A copy of the letter to be faxed to the Building In- <br /> spector and Town Counsel. <br />