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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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You should be able to list something you are going to do to implement cer- <br /> tain suggestions in goals and ob ectiVes (get advice from district for- <br /> ester; point out things landowners cando.) For instance, a goal would b <br /> to maintain a high water quality - e <br /> �- the objective to � the .incremental <br /> steps that you would use to achieve this, <br /> Mfr. Parker said we shoLLId set a time for the next meeting a d <br /> de te r- <br /> mine what we Ire going to do between now and thea - time element is by the. <br /> first of the ire ar. We should have a meeting sometime in December. Our <br /> regular meeting night would be December 16 and Nor. Parker will attend. <br /> The goals and objectives ves should be defined more. start looking at what meas <br /> to protect or areas good for buffer zoning, .etc. He has s embled back- <br /> ground inf rmation. He said a lot of the things he has 'talked about are <br /> probably' confusing.. We could have a general meeting of other boards in <br /> town and he would -be willing to come over and describe ghat he does what <br /> services are available, etc. <br /> Mr. Parker said the mapping on the river is coming ng trying to <br /> figure out how we 're going to present this information - you could have an <br /> Advisory Committee meeting and you could present what kind 'ra <br /> s, what <br /> kind nd of overlays,, etc. <br /> The question was asked if any of this soil survey goes on underwater <br /> and the answer was n like the bay floors -- no, they don't do that) the <br /> Corps of Fngineers would have whatever data is available. <br /> The f ell ,=,i gtilar business was discussed: <br /> A viol tion of vIetlands Protection Act has taken place e o the secone <br /> is and Causeway. 11rs. Studley instructed Ron to go over there and stop <br /> but h hasn't been able who's � dem, <br /> to catch up with who doing it. They're dumping <br /> gree stumps, backing down over the bank in front of the house and over the <br /> beach. Mrs. Studley said she thinks Eddie Anderson found out she waswatch- <br /> ing him. Should we issue a Cease and Desist Order to Edi--Tard Anderson on <br /> general principles - he already had one served for the other side of the <br /> road. Ue can .issue a new Cease and Desist Order for work cerfo ed 'n <br /> violation of the Act -- th--*Ls should be corrected card proper'ty returned to <br /> original condition, <br /> 1 r. ink a:.s said somewhere along the line we might have t sacri�- <br /> f ice a little spot to make a point - this happens to be' alow soot in the <br /> area.. He made a mota�or� o lease and Des �ist Order and it � s seconded b <br /> Ralph Ienik <br /> 11r. .your e of ranted to know Jf the C onser%a.ti n C o.� is <br /> s o*� wanted to <br /> attend the next I'?anning Bacard m t_Lng on December 1st to talk about t? is t <br /> nary ar•ker stuff and we said yes. <br /> On the UrLina �-rder of Conditions, ion P ockne tt is goingtog o over it <br /> i-rith John R. umina. <br /> Lrs. Sloarie wondered if anyone had heard anything from Marcel ��_istin <br /> about Paradise. It seems Chet Koblinsky is really involved and <br /> keeping <br /> in tich with i r el. He i getting into perr�arent pocks versus floating <br /> 4- <br /> M LF ape d . + <br /> tors their lawyez- Which he,-.1 is <br /> tur ing re to � rce 1 is Chet f s problem as r1arbor 11aster and we want <br /> tie -thing out. <br /> M,e eting was adjourned at . <br /> : c <br /> - U <br /> submitted <br />
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