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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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Mr. Reardon s You could back f ill nor . <br /> _Mr. !i l y: Yes, but the only problem then arises is the fill that is coming out <br /> of the septic system is also going to remain on the site, We won't have any place <br /> to store it. I was suggesting that that fill coming out of there could be Pilt <br /> around the foundation and then when the 'septic system is set in thea remove the <br /> sand from the front and put it around the foundation. <br /> Mr. Reardon s How long would this take? <br /> Mr. Fergmsont Now, l have to get ray sub-contractors lined up again because with <br /> the threat of them going to jail they have all left and I have to line them up. So <br /> I would say that as soon as I can line them up to d it, l will certainly do it. I <br /> couldn't put a time f ram a on it but I am very anxious to proceed as quick as l can <br /> with all these things. . <br /> Mr. Reardon: I think that is unfair to the Conservation Commission. You better give <br /> thea an outside time. could it be done within thirty days, would you ay <br /> Mr. Ferguson: I would say it would be done within sixty days. Now we are getting <br /> inclement weather that is coming, That last two weeks that we have had have been <br /> excellent weather. It all could have been done. <br /> Ir. Reardon: What I think you should do is impose some sort of a time limit for this <br /> to be done. At least you could be taking a peek at what is going on. <br /> pawl in e: Forthwith. <br /> . Reardon s is forthwith the answer. I am not saying. I don't know. <br /> Ir. Murphy: What do you gain by doing it forthwith may I ask? He granted to remove it <br /> immediately as soon as the cease and desist order was issued that was two weeks 'ago and <br /> that would have saved alot of the grass that you were talking about. <br /> Paulimet You are telling me that that-dirt was on -there for only two weeks. When was <br /> the foundation du Wasn't that dug -in September? <br /> Mr. Donahue: Construction warn'.t even started until October 2 , am I right on that? <br /> Mr. Fergusont That is correct. Approximately, yes. <br /> Mr. Donahue: You voted on this the 14th of November. <br /> Mr. Ferguson s We should do this in a practical manner. The septic system dirt has t <br /> be moved out. I don't want to remove a condition that is going to be created again by <br /> another phase of construction. I ftt'.-.,to get it off as quick as I can and as soon as I <br /> can get a septic system and moue it, I'll do it. I think that a conservative figure <br /> would be sixty days. I would hope that we could have it done then as quick as we can do <br /> it. <br /> Wayne: Pauline, does the amount there have any advantageous meaning now if it was level <br /> .r u-t back. Because this could have to b done in two phases. If thish-is-1 to{-`be'done <br /> forthwith to remove this, the grass or vegetation shouldn't be planted until Spring time. <br /> It is a two phase ging. Actually, it would work out better for total construction, <br />
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