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Oil <br /> or <br /> 5 <br /> BOARD Off' LE 1'.''I N I- I N -- JAIVARY 26 1-977 <br /> On January 26, 1.977, the following members of the Conservation Com. <br /> r� <br /> mission me't with the Board of elec t,-:ien to discuss`Mr. ocknett's role as <br /> Conservation officer: Chairperson Dorothy Studley, Barbara Sloane., Charles <br /> Buckingham and Jim LeClair. Also in 'attendance was fi r. Rocknett. <br /> Chairman Benway oened by Saying that the Board of Selectmen with the <br /> recommendation of the �ersonnel `hoar~d, appoints the Conservation officer <br /> as yell appointing themembers o the Conservation ComnAssion. It is <br /> Mr. 3enway's understanding., generally, and in specific areas that as <br /> very practical point of view, the Conservation ffice should work in con- <br /> junction with the Conservation Coifuliission. [ghat Mr. Benway sug ested .the <br /> Commission do -is try to either discuss areas which are in cc nflict if <br /> that's the case, Between the' Conservation Commission and the Conservation <br /> Officer., p -Inning out the, areas where we want direct communication between <br /> the two. lie continu:A that the Conservation Commission is clear ed with <br /> overall responsibility and the Conuervation -Officer should be carrying out <br /> those particular duties in those particular areas. He asked if there were <br /> problems, pointing out that the or fats ion and Mr. Pocknett are in attend- <br /> ance. <br /> y <br /> 14r,, jr3emyay 'stated that in regard to the logs which are filed with 'the <br /> vouchers, he thinks that the Co �servat�ion Comisoon shou-1d be given cies <br /> f those so they.have a good c o r-}ehensio <br /> p o of the scope f 14r. hoc ke i s <br /> patrols and the nature of his work and what happens generally on a da -to- <br /> day bas i_s. Above arid beyond' that, Mr. Benwa.y stated that he thinks than <br /> Mr. Pocknett should attend every Conservation Coirrnis ion meeting, adding <br /> ����a he thinks that both the C oi-i '�.�, •ssi ' <br /> on and Ron should work hand in glove <br /> to work out the general policy as determined by the Commissi n and Ron. <br /> Mr. Pocknett agreed that that Is the way it should be run. <br /> �;rs. Studley stated that as of 141onda , the Copffriission hadn't received <br /> copies of the logs. When we requested him to supply us w' th a c lie <br /> pyo <br /> said that Jeannie would do I t. kilns. Studley stressed that the or lssion <br /> should lea -e them fortheir records. He did not know vjhat .chat he was doing., <br /> except for a few ti'MEQs t.le died call on him for work that had to be done.' <br /> lirs. Studley seated that she had �:sL-ed Ron if lie was refusing' <br /> to furnish <br /> tie o i si on th a copy of t :e _o; and he had replied that he would not <br /> coo it. He called I"Irs. Studley the rjext clay and apologized and said that on <br /> Monday we would have copies. The re T.,;er n't any, but we. did get teem later <br /> that problem has resolved itself 6 -v rom noir on, copies of the log Will be <br /> sent along to the' Coira-Assion, <br /> 1.1r. Beni-ray tasked If there were any other specific item that either <br /> Ron, Vile Coi,,irriissi n or Dorothy want to discuss as far as overall policy is <br /> concerned. <br /> i•ir;.. LeClair said that Ron seemed to bea little confused as to who ,� <br /> the head of the Conservati-on CoTowrission, especially in the area of whether <br /> .ori has the say as to wh iat happens- at Commission meetil.ngs., or is it the <br /> Chairoian, Ron thinks Uha 'maybe he should be the person in charge. 11r. <br /> Senway replied that the :hoard of Sell-ectirien delegates this authority to the <br /> Conservation Comrrdssi n, but the -ildlife and Conservation Officer is ap- <br /> poI* ted by the Board of Selectmen I,utt it is his understanding that Ron i <br /> to work. pry-ncipally for the or sei•t�ation arms ion, with the o�� is i n <br /> having direct su�p��nTision. In �a:x; words) e ass a czjgnr::c to tl e or ser-- <br />