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r <br /> I•# � asked .or a check for $6.00 for the legal advertisement axed t`*: <br /> o <br /> was also told that the Commission will issue an Order of Conditions and <br /> send it to him. e' also was told to File the other copy of locus ma <br /> ps <br /># with EqE. <br /> Mrs. Hills and her two sons were at the meeting to talk about a. <br /> servation restriction on their property at Santuit Pond. Dirs. 14ills saf::i <br /> she would appreciate it if the Commission would explain what she could do <br /> about her property because they bought it in the first place as woodla . - <br /> they don't •,-ant to develop it -- no facilities - no wells - would like; 'tc: <br /> keep it as is. She said that she doesn't see :-y they should have to pa:- <br /> such high taxes - 17 acres is involved - sores cf the lots aro only 01 !-!i-de <br /> and they are being taxed for it and they can It be built on. <br /> Nrs. Pulls was asked if it had been subdivided. She said they met <br /> eery high tax bills on the land corm to he ��.. .. <br /> likea can't <br /> #�.... b �,.�, that it �s gust <br /> marsh and cant be built on. � rs. Sloane said that if it has been <br /> subdivided, a conservation restriction tion cul have to be writton up ori'ez; 1 <br /> lot, Mrs. !-!ills wanted to know if that would be very expensive and was <br /> told that it r�i p she .�a�.., <br /> ht be. <br /> When k r- . Mills was asked if it had been surveyed., she replied in the <br /> negative. She said that there are some �: � � p <br /> bound. that part . o it have been <br /> surveyed. <br /> ed. <br /> Kr s, tudley told her that when a conservation restriction is • <br /> � en to <br /> the toxfn, the land has to be bounded it has to be surveyed and a. ve <br /> dear, concise desc ,� tion ,��.l � <br /> p have t o be made.. t was further stated that <br /> our assessors have not yet set up criteria to use in the case of someone 's <br /> wanting to create a conservation restriction. It would you wan depend n the ano <br /> of land and hoer � unt <br /> t to write it up. It could be written up to say,, "We <br /> would lie to give this conservation res tricti n to the town in . <br /> er etuity " <br /> p p � <br /> The Mills' would have to agree that if they decide to revoke this restriction <br /> they would be assessed fair rate of taxes and a Fair rate of intere t She <br /> added that they could do it for a certain numbe# of years, = <br /> Pirs. Studley also said that she doesn't knw ljow the assessors <br /> vi l l re- <br /> act to something like this - like what sort of tax relief they would i%e <br /> them. She also stated that we have one restriction tion nn•r with the Falmouth Rod <br /> and Gun Club - they have agreed to pay bad taxes at a certain. rate of inter- <br /> est. She explained that the owners do not give up any of the rights to the <br /> land, it is merely protected. The me sa -� s. ' • y <br /> c � allow the public c a c c��s -�� they <br /> wish or all Tv the public access to onlycertain areas four fishing, hunting <br /> etc., haveit 'for their own use in its naturalg �� <br /> state. It was .Mated that there's a lot o traffic there, but they don tt think there i andeer there <br /> nr� . <br /> r <br /> 11r. Buckingham Ingham wonder�e� is ire could ar ranEe aeeting with the ass—,�s� rs <br /> and have a reced.ent set o. some sort. i.-Irs. t-idl e`� said Ur3. M had -, <br /> ells � � en- <br /> tioned something about forestry-in her letter. sirs. Hills said she was told <br /> there were forest77,%P, programs to be applied to property like th=is. L;�� added <br /> that they do have to hire a contractor to cut the trees near the -lines <br /> ne <br /> poke 1�.�....s <br /> and telephone wires - the rest of it has just b�caj:e thick woods. She zaid <br /> that there are plenty of frogs., fish and 6amie, ,- ld geese and ducks. in t iey <br /> were to open it up to the Dublic th . would ha-.-e to come on 1. e - <br /> va. e property. <br /> 1-r*s. Studley said that it isn't ab ;:lu*el-.- necessairy that theyopfi#: it <br />