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conservation commission s <br /> and n tes of July , 1982 Page 12 <br /> ,,E43-16, cont, <br /> Atter r of ted .oust that what they are talking about is a proposal <br /> that was made in' order to preserve the land as closely as -possible' to its <br /> natural state- but to utilize the land- to its best use. He pointed out <br /> that iwhat was presented to -the commission was- a situation where .the land <br /> was going to be preserved as- a golf course., The people at that time pre- <br /> sented their -proposa-1 to- the nservat•ion CorwissiQno And wha-t they are <br /> doing is trying to preserve the,- 1an,d'-Jn ids .pre en' t 'natural state a is <br /> possible <br /> March ardao: Pointed out haat- the .purpose ' f the reeti wa-s-' the fact <br /> that the boundary which was stipulated was - compromised. <br /> Atty. Turco : . - Stated that what was talked. about was that earth has, been <br /> pushed and that h .s ' been .remedied* <br /> Mr. Bo enbe e : Commented that fir. Tilden from DEQE pointed out that <br /> fill was in violation according to - the map used for the on-site inspection* <br /> Mr. Umina stated at haat time that it was not.. the neap that they were going <br /> by. <br /> a linee or :., . Stated- that after the on-site insp ctioh, -she went back to' <br /> the Town Hall � o check the file for other maps., { <br /> lir. Lo ez• Asked. how they were- planninq - to preserve. the area when they -are � <br /> planning , o put- all kinds of houses it �, �-!oLnq= to the wa s w ch <br /> will qo into tieiv' er? <br /> Dorothy studlev: Pointed out that the pro j et is ..for .the golf course alone.' <br /> a,nd that there are no houses. I n i t. <br /> Mr. Bo n nber ger.: Stated what, he. would ,11ke.°tt ' point- ovt was that h asked <br /> Mr•s. eLor r hv. r. Umiha was al .owed .to 'put is golf- r .-ri u ' 'the . <br /> river and she said that they., had to ma a - concession there because ,tae had. .. <br /> threatened to b .ild •sincIl -farm y hones uta, -there <br /> Pauline e or -: Told Mr.. BohnenbercTer not to quote her . tha way as that eras. <br /> not- what she said. - <br /> - Dorothy Stu Stated that the. Commission- had- learned through the Plan~ <br /> ninq Board that- there was. a new part of the sub-division' croina close to the <br /> river. The ..Commission appeared before the Planninq. Board'-and pointed it <br /> out to them and -th v rejected the plan. =, <br /> Mr. Bohnenber ger: Asked why the' ommi 8 si". r__, t. the • build the green right <br /> .p to the river. `{ <br /> Atty. --Rea don: Asked Mr. B.ohnenberqer to point out the location. <br /> Mr. Bohnenber er: Stated that it was below old- Barnstable Road. <br /> Mr. -Ben Commented that here is no green near the river there. <br /> Mr 4 d o nenb ft er . Stated that i ' eras a fareway and that it was st11.1 al ter <br /> inn within 100 feet. <br />