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Applicant: Evergreen Energy, LLC <br />Location 588 Main Street, Assessors’ Map 19, Block 10 <br />Request: Signature of Definitive Subdivision Plan for 12 lot industrial/commercial <br />subdivision (approved November 15, 2017) <br />Mr. Fudala referenced Evergreen’s need to install monitoring wells and provide the results of <br />testing, before the Board could endorse the plan. Mr. Fudala reported that four existing wells <br />were located on the property. A continuation was requested, until January 17, to allow 14 days <br />to complete the lab work. In addition to the testing report being forwarded to the Board of <br />Health, plans showing the location of the wells were needed for the Planning Board, <br /> <br />SPECIAL PERMIT MODIFICATION PLAN <br />Applicant: Naukabout Beer Company, LLC <br />Location: 13 Lake Avenue, Mashpee, Assessors’ Map 27, Block 46 <br />Request: Approval of Special Permit Modification for site plan change to <br />Naukabout Beer Company project: modification for outdoor sitting areas at <br />northern corner of the property <br />The Chair read the site plan change request for the record. It was determined that a public <br />hearing would not be necessary. <br /> <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion that a Public Hearing was not needed for the <br />modification. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> <br />Peter Murner was present to discuss an approval for seating, to be located on the upper portion of <br />the lot. Mr. Murner confirmed that both Mr. Rowley and Mr. Weeden had been on site to review <br />the conditions. It had been determined that, in place of removing soil and fill, soil and fill would <br />be added to level the grade, but coordinated out in the field. Further review would take place <br />with the Town once the work was completed and to confirm that requirements were met. <br /> <br />Mr. Weeden confirmed that he had walked the site with the Tribe’s Medicine Man and Mr. <br />Rowley. Mr. Weeden felt that the slope would not be disturbed, as proposed, and attempts were <br />made to limit the need for grading and fill. There was also discussion about protecting <br />vegetation at the top of the bank and behind the building. Mr. Rowley stated that the furthest the <br />grading would extend would be at the 15 inch beech tree. Three areas had been staked, and none <br />appeared to require substantial re-grading. There was agreement that mulch and natural soil <br />conditions would remain in place and new material added on top to maintain natural conditions, <br />and in case future excavation was necessary. Mr. Rowley recommended observing the limits of <br />where fill was proposed, prior to depositing the fill. The surface would be left in as natural <br />condition as possible and the slope would be seeded. Mr. Rowley cautioned the use of a skid <br />vehicle to transport the fill up the slope because it could potentially churn up the ground. In its <br />place, Mr. Rowley recommended a back hoe or tracked vehicle. Mr. Rowley confirmed that <br />there would be large trees be saved in the new plan. There was discussion about possible <br />benches around the trees, but if so, minimalized fill may result in not needing a tree well. <br /> <br />The Chair read the notes located on the corner of the plan, regarding the work to be completed. <br />Mr. Balzarini inquired about accessibility. Mr. Murner responded that the area around the <br />building would offer handicap accessibility, adding that the levelled areas on the slope may not <br /> 2 <br /> <br />