Conservation Commission
<br /> :�-A g -5, ,-}198
<br /> Executive - eS O.M.-
<br /> - ?SE * . The license, was- started 1/84. and..terminates 12/31/92,
<br /> Addendum #1 is dated 5/30/85. Addendum ..too --the I icense agreements,
<br /> era's the Problen Arabledecoriba r. two.,-,se arat. . agreements ;dated,
<br /> +. .4/2 ,ar '-. �1 :. nvitl-e s Licenser. � a es- i Town-'awned- Gran-�
<br /> b 'r :.. as ee :
<br /> and Cc al n,. . 4a . et S rag =; ;payment
<br /> j = nses na t� r..rr; ..:#- er � s�; -.April-,----. une
<br /> +S a ..
<br /> .ber, . December'.-.andel -also.
<br /> ..a rin ._ a-= Lcense ,bar,:, adding para -,.
<br /> _,a :concerning the s r n ear,: s rst a*:Sr -
<br /> _J4 .,
<br /> 13
<br /> LMS ,ti� se ., , .you. have., .a . copy. - t�f� ra table?, .,
<br /> MURPKY..&,,:,,
<br /> . - t ion �made.-.,b ....Ells-o- ..,# a nberg- :�
<br /> -!VO-T ::.Matl-on.. made „axed', seconded. t o. a u t h.or z e Jo se p Mur phY.<<- o ria go t L at e
<br /> ti e=-l - gra :ar.: I -er .i ee.:. x- a -a=i= % : .,. :: b ==.. cd-i er.ence b -
<br /> ...
<br /> � e n. the.42G.; .:.per:` barrel- Pri e-L ands:, . -,6-4- % -the =gr� ss- -..
<br /> R
<br /> t�e.eel is r a , ,,paid.=fin. -cash arid..-.the, a-t a r-.-= - a 1 e ,--.the -..fiend
<br /> . exrse a a t repurchase. a . .: f -t Ke s pr ink,I e r
<br /> s, sten. ,-. l r�.f- Murphy--r,-be.' urt� ; . t�ir�ar zed--., x : a F
<br /> = nsees; ► rapasa .; o:, _ a t. , . - th e,-,,Sr-ass:�.� - ..a. . "p t s-:as::the.;
<br /> dee::`11'a �=_-� ,e�..--or ,"-.,year _ .---*a .d �r :�: , a :fie
<br /> rfreW -a -:-. e.-J ense. �. a -_;dor.. the_,-aro .c ars '199
<br /> anal .1991
<br /> an ar 1990 'a d:�,for: [Rte.:1.99 ,= .a ears �:� ar�t� � r . :.
<br /> # - ° sins 6,: e to.
<br /> URNS:- going get paid-._-.i 6i.z 1..
<br /> : S B RG=.,, be rest . . the- n ra t i re al = {as pr := -
<br /> - ur. he -6.suggest =-ghat upon -cone l s : .-the F eg t :at-ion. , :.---that e-: r'pro-
<br /> 9 0, .�r -draft -and--..ire-execute 6 t e. J erg .. so-..- t: beaa� s .=o ar.
<br /> -MURPHY.*. . -.
<br /> think that's needed : ani:. there- are..,two x� that meed
<br /> -:t orl.-.. a-:,a dressed. ;;- don - be11e e_ the onsissl Vis, s-atis ie with tie
<br /> aain.te ante ,ace ount ab i I i t Y- .the,_.16 i ce ns e e --and,, I Ln - #sere- i , need.
<br /> or: `to to pre care-- the:r area ----and'--;they i I .n s.the: blank +.or whatever
<br /> and-.J: . in , �. . may be faced -wit#--, that- a _ :a er�: hin , �s Axl
<br /> ,Like- ,to---- have some -.very---Pree�.61axtg ge , ow. a ---'Ahe.-,i-.rr ga ' axt i-11 -,-b
<br /> .t - -'--come 1992. - It - lel- ,fi
<br /> . b ,desira e. 'to--..tire'..-out what- other
<br /> doing.- -they fg t- have- some great-- lanSuage. we night wart to
<br /> borrow.
<br /> :.=r
<br /> VOA= Motion'-._made and . seconded. ..tom g . a ,t�.::a executive---session,, at -10:35
<br /> 4
<br />