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beach, but currently there is no access . Mr. Sherman offered <br /> to work on amending the beach plan when he receives a plan from <br /> the State, but he cannot order the State to honor agreements. <br /> Boardwalks were another issue discussed; they will not go through <br /> Con Com. <br /> Stora Runoff Mitigation was discussed. Greg Taylor reported <br /> that the funds promised Mashpee one year ago for Ma.shpee Kiger <br /> Sources are on hold until F 96 . The runoff tested came back <br /> clean. Mr. Hanks noted that water runs down the road and 2- <br /> cycle engines contribute to the oil slicks scent There is an <br /> existing storm drain in the parking lot. Torn Fudala will look <br /> into modifying the parking lot grade. Mr. Hanks noted that <br /> Mashpee River should be the first priori.t . Mr. Hanks questioned <br /> whether the culverts are a problem. He suggested having ]dick <br /> York talo some measurements so as to define the problem. Mr. <br /> Fuda la will look at the sub-division plan. Mr. Ellis suggested <br /> blocking Asher' s Path to prevent, large trucks from entering <br /> the Trustees of Reservations owns .it, <br /> Coastal resources Information System: Mr. Hanks stated he has <br /> been gathering data for the purpose of monitoring boat sewage <br /> pumpout* This issue has been discussed by the waterways <br /> Commission. The data has been stored on Alpha IV database, <br /> and statistical calculations can be mxade. A subcommittee <br /> including Town Commissions and marinas was suggested. Mr. Fuda l.a <br /> suggested Mr. Hanks work with the new Assistant Planner in <br /> developing a GIS coordinates map for the moorings . Mr. Ellis <br /> stated that the pumpout boat will not be here until July, and <br /> caddies have been ordered. It will be operated by either <br /> Half-Tide or New Seabury Marina, and operating expenditures <br /> will be matched with grant money. <br /> Stairway at wading Place Road: Re-vegetation was recommended <br /> using rosa ru gosa and deferring steps. Beautification committee <br /> volunteer effort was suggested- Mr. Taylor will contact Ginnie <br /> Landry. Mr. Taylor suggested planting rola rugosa instead <br /> of beach grass to the left of the existing stairs since it can <br /> be planted anytime; beach grass planting occurs between October <br /> and. April and requ-ires filing with Con Cam. Mr w Ellis asked <br /> Mr. Taylor to look .into using the spoils from the point. <br /> Focal Comprehensive Plan Status Update: Mr. Fudal.a stated there <br /> are five issues he i s working on <br /> • User conflicts <br /> * User pro'ections <br /> * Existing facilities adequacy with population pro3 ections <br /> • Dredging and maintenance <br /> • Poonesset spit <br /> - - <br />