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19 December 1996 <br /> Page 12. <br /> W. Shaw stated the Commission can rest assured they would do the right <br /> thing. <br /> Mr. Desrosiers asked if the alternate member had been named It was not <br /> known. <br /> Mr. Sherman stated there was a meeting of various State officials in <br /> November of 1996. A letter from DEM was sent as a result of that meeting. <br /> Under short terra management, a 3" rain storm in 24 hours was discussed, in <br /> removing boards. when the letter cane out, it became 1". ' heyy are under a <br /> lot of political pressure. He stated all he has been m.aintai=* g that boards <br /> cannot be lowered for flood. purposes without a Notice of Intent and a permit <br /> and i Kouleheras told him this summer that was ri <br />