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2/26/2018 5:07:05 PM
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2/26/2018 1:37:02 PM
Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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l hcre have: bccn some boat equipment thefts its die Shoestring arca by Simons Narrows. <br /> Scallop season gent off uneventfully. There lave been quite a few picasure boats <br /> moving around lately with the good weather still with us. <br /> Herb Silvcr inquired as to when the markers will be pulled up in Popponesset Bay as he <br /> saw some missing, to which Perry responded that he would Mart pulling them after <br /> Columbus lay. <br /> Jim Hanks asked who is enforcing the location of all of the shellfish grants. Mr. Alis <br /> responded that he can and will should they get out of hand or sere to not be adhermr�g to <br /> the area that their grants allow them. Mr. Hanks is concerned that there might be some <br /> people taking advantage of relaxed guidclines while no one appears to be enforcing or <br /> oven overseeing them. <br /> 2. Shellfish Constable ort—Dick York. Scallop season opened up with about 5o <br /> bushels taken out of Waquoit Bay. Ione were taken from Popponesset. The weatht r <br /> was good and the water was fairly warm. There are only a few scallops left out there, <br /> perhaps approximately 50 bushels left. Hopefully we will have more scallops next year <br /> with all of the seeding that we are doing. <br /> The water has cleared up drastically due to the rapid temperature drop, 71 degrees to 61 <br /> degrees in two days, <br /> Rick stated that he has a proposal inn to get the Arnericorps group back for next year to <br /> work on grater quality and shellfish seeding. <br /> JU'n.informed flick that they couldn't help but notice, during the water sampling, that Just <br /> about all of the shellfish grant areas appear to be growing in size. Mr. Hanks is <br /> concerned that people are not keeping to the area that they were approved for.. lick said <br /> that he generally goes out in the spring to measure these grant areas but he will make a <br /> point of examining it sooner than that. <br /> 3. Conunittec ftorts <br /> Fresh water—William Taylor <br /> It bad beenpreviously reported that Mr. Taylor bad not been present for the last Lake <br /> Management Committee and as it turned out, a meeting was not held due to the lack of a <br /> quorum being met so he did not miss the rneetmg. ince then they did hold a meeting <br /> and talked about the means of getting information out to the public regarding Lake rules <br /> and regulations and the importance of adhering to them. The committee would like to put <br /> together a small newsletter, hopefully ready for a spring mailing. Committee members <br /> looked over the brochure that the Waterways Commission recently dcsigncd and they <br /> were very intrigued and impressed by it. <br /> Jim Hanks shared the status of the Johns Pond navigational issues. We are still waiting <br /> for Wayne Jaedtke to finish the calculations he is working on. Jinn reports that the pond <br /> is about 0.8 feet lower than what is thought to be normal. when he went to pull the board <br /> out that they used a week later, it was a foot lower than normal. In looping at the way <br /> that they are dumping the water out of the pend at the south end, Jim this that if <br />
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