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October 2000 <br /> Page 8. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded to require an amended order for SE 43-1878. _ <br /> Unanimous Vote. <br /> Scout Project: Letters of appreciation were signed for the kiosk that was constructed in the <br /> Woodlands. It was noted a nice article was in the local newspaper. <br /> AF ; Fall came too quickly so the Ashumet Pond project was put off. <br /> The Chair stated they have to come back to the Commission. It was suggested a final draft of the <br /> process be provided. They have to meet with Steve Hurley to get the Ramp Permit. <br /> uashnet Bog: It was voted to appoint Pegg' Fntoi as coordinator. Advertisements have <br /> been placed for laborers and there have been no bites on the contractor. There are four <br />' applications for the monitors. Steve Furley of Fish & Wildlife may approach volunteers who <br /> could now get paid. <br /> The Chair expressed concern that the estimated value of the bogs is going to be less than the cost <br /> of care of the bogs. <br /> DP : Mr. Talbot displayed a map with an overlay 'of the direction of the effluent making its <br /> way to the watershed. The Subcommittee listed the reasons and concerns addressed by a D P . <br /> They have to come up with a legal boundary of the district being proposed. It follows the town <br /> line on one side incorporating Newtown and Santuit. <br /> FIs Moore stated the Subcommittee wants to get the feel from the Commissioners before they <br /> spend hours on this.' <br /> It was noted single family homes are not exempt unless a moratorium is requested. <br /> The Chair stated this was discussed informally with the Selectmen and we backed away because <br /> of not being elected officials. <br /> Mr. Sherman stated in order for this to be meaningful, it would have to require denitrifying <br /> systems. <br /> TFTs Moore stated she has to understand and know all of the consequences of ghat she is doing. <br /> Ir. Sherman asked if it is the consensus of this body to' continue thiswork? It was agreed the <br /> work should continue. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded that the Commission authorize the Subcommittee on the <br /> DCPC to proceed. Unanimous Vote. <br /> Community Garden: Mr. Talbot advised he looked at three sites with Ms B retos. They are <br /> leaning towards a location at Johns Pond Park. <br /> Voting/Quorum: Il r. Johansen asked the outcome of discussions? It was agreed there should <br /> be a subcommittee formed to consider this. <br />