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that more detailed contour information should be reflected. He said that averaging <br /> contours as described by IIIb. trot ke was inappropriate. He referred to our By-law <br /> regarding definition of the coastal bank, specifically "any minor discontinuity of the <br /> slope notwithstanding." Also the By-laver gives us the ability to raise that elevation an <br /> additional foot from sea level rise. He concurs with Bob Sherman about lack of <br /> information provided. <br /> Phil Rollins, friend of Mr. Gargiulo, said the coastal bank was not one of the issues <br /> about which he was concerned, but he thinks Ms. Turano-Flores would like a little time <br /> in order to have a higher authority look at the project and give some definition that Mr. <br /> Sherman can live-with. <br /> Ms. Turano-Flores then requested a continuance so she can approach the DEP to <br /> reassess their calculations to come closer to reaching an understanding. <br /> Bob said he has no objection if Jinn Mahala or some other independent person would <br /> get involved. Ms. Turan -Flores said she would call Mr. ll ahala and ask hire to call <br /> Bob. <br /> Mr. Fazio, representing Mr. Rogers, said Regulation 16 of our By-law has a clause <br /> which states it's fine to go to the DEP, but our By-law has it's own regulations. Bob <br /> said we are not bound by DEP's interpretation. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to grant a continuance to May 8th at <br /> p.m. at the request of the applicant. <br /> 7:15 p.m., Elizabeth spoor, 342 and 353 Monomoscoy road (continued from 3/27/03). <br /> Bob said we have a request to continue to April 24th. <br /> l Motion rade, seconded and unanimously carried to grant a continuance to April 24th <br /> at 7:25 p.m. <br /> 7:20 p.m... Elizabeth spohr, 338 Monomosco r Road (continued from 3127103 . Bob <br /> said vire also have a request to continue to April 24th. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to grant a continuance to April 24th <br /> at 7-30 p.m. <br /> 7:25 p.m,, Peter Larder, 222 Fells Pond load (replace failed septic system). Bob <br /> said the work has already been done and it meets our standards. <br /> Motion rade, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the plan. <br />