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1r. Gray could draw the corridor on the present plan and sign it. like said we could close <br /> pending receipt of an accepted revised plan, at which time vire will write an order of Conditions. <br /> Mr-._Gray said the former owner had cut the phragn-�ites from 2-3 ft. from the surface, and that's <br /> the type of cutting the applicant is looking for. Mike said the vista pr r ng guidelines Mate that <br /> and rstory.plants and shrubs (in this case it's phragmites can only be cut to 5 ft. because these <br /> and erstory shrubs provide travel corridors for birds, so it would have to be within that guideline. <br /> Also, that would maintain the health ofthe plant, wMch is performing a function. Mr. Gray <br /> agreed to this and said he will alert the work crew to not cut the native shrubs growing rongst <br /> the phr gmites. <br /> Steve summarized that the corridor will be moved, the dead pine tree will be removed and <br /> replaced nth a cedar and shad bush, the mitigation planting h not be necessary since the <br /> willows will not be removed, the cherry trees can be limbed pending a pre-work ori-site, the <br /> pereral bed in the middle of the lawn will be removed. <br /> N ike suggested switch grass or other native grasses instead of beach grass, and since the pine <br /> represents the only roosting area for about 150 f ., he would like it to remain for a couple of <br /> years. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously cam*ed to approve the plan pending the receipt of an <br /> acceptable revised plan. <br /> 7:20 p.m., Chilton Development Co., Zne., 166 waterway(continued from 2/17105). Cass <br /> stepped down from this hearing. Michael rot ke represented the applicant Steve remarked <br /> that the plan presented at the last meeting showed the pool and patio on the coastal bark. Mr. <br /> Trot ke has move the pool, patio and retahu*ng wall to the front of the coastal bark. The work <br /> limit is 5 f . below the top of the coastal bark, but will be revgetated back to the retaining wa . <br /> Mike commended Mr. Grotzke for the new plan and list of plants. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the plan. <br /> 7:25 p.m., Jason Mone, 23 Shoestring Bay Road (continued from 2/17/05). Nfichael trot ke <br /> represented the applicant and described the plan. Bob recommended that we approve the vista <br /> pruning to be done this year pending receipt of a paid hill from a qualified landscaper <br /> representing the plan that we approved. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the plan pending receipt of a paid <br /> bill from a qualified landscaper representing the specific plan that we approved. <br /> 7:30 p.m.,James Crocker,Jr., Trustee, 14 Sampson's Mill Road.d (continued from 2117/05). <br /> Amy Ball represented the applicant. Steve said Horsley and Witten and Amy have achieved the <br /> 5 ft. line and provided everything we requested, and he recommended approval based on an <br /> official contract for the monitoring for various substances. hike said we should note that these <br /> are proved technologies which have been used elsewhere in the Country. <br />