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i <br /> Hearing A-gena= <br /> i <br /> 7:00 p.m. Nicholas Bucky,.Jr. RDA—8 Suri mersea kd (install 8,3 x 12"shed) <br /> Ir. Nicholas#ducky, .Jr(applicant)described the project. He explained that he wishes to erect an 8'x 121 <br /> shed on his property for storage purposes. The agent did complete an on-site and stated that the shed is <br /> on the lawn and slopes down to vegetated wetlands. He did speak with Mr. lucky about installing <br /> plantings from the Conservation list of approved plantings around the area. Mr. Bucky did agree to said <br /> plantings. The commission further recommended that neither gasoline nor oil be stored in the shed due to <br /> spilltrnsfer concerns. <br /> 4 <br /> Motion rade, seconded and unanimously carried for a negative determination. <br /> 7:03 p.m. Town I ashpee DPW, ICDA—Cayuga Avenue Toad Layout <br /> (Mix existing pavement with subsurface soils and install leach pits to reduce drainage) <br /> The agent described that the work is in the read layout only, and thus he saw no imps the resource <br /> area cataquin Pond) abutting the work area and recommended approval. <br /> Dation made,seconded and unanimously carried for a negative determination. <br /> 7:06 p.m. Richard Lawless, ICDA— 161 Daniels Island Rd (Repair and replace To ed pier and floats) <br /> Marls Burtis(contractor) representing the applicant described the applicant's Trish to rehab their older <br /> dock with new materials. The dock will stag in the same f otprint and will have the same diameter poles, <br /> but the poles will be dug deeper than they are currently. There is no power to the dock currently, so there <br /> are no power issues created by this rehab. The agent said the project meets the performance standards <br /> for docks and recommended approval. <br /> Motion Trude, seconded and unanimously carried for a negative determination* <br /> p.m. Bogert White O'Leary Trustee, Idol�-16 Tuspacluin Rd (Goat. from 09/06/2007) <br /> .John Slavinsky of cape and Islands Engineering representing the applicant described their wish to install <br /> a.portable, seasonal dock. He did explain that there was a dock there som' a years ago and that he saw no <br /> vegetation issues. Mr. 81avinsky also stated that they had filed with National Heritage and that they had <br /> four more days to answer. Mrs. Kelly O'Leary Richenburg (applicant) explained the project originally was <br /> to be a two family dock. She said that it is no longer going to be two family as the neighbors could not <br /> agree on the liability of each party. Mrs. l ichenburg had drafted a license agreement as well, but the <br /> neighbors were not satisfied, as the dock would not be registered on their land. The agent relayed that <br /> the Harbormaster has not signed off on this project as he feels that they are too close to the neighbor's <br /> moorings. The lot line is in question, as It appears that there is not enough room to install a dock, and <br /> there is question a to fro owns the beach property. The current plans are not char, and the issues with <br /> the neighbor and Harbormaster need to be resolved prior to approval. The agent recommended <br /> mended <br /> continuance until the issues can be resolved. <br /> Motion trade, seconded and unanimously carried for a continuance until 10/04/07 a@ 7:24 p.m. <br /> 7:12 .,m. Michael and Judith Welch!,AOC—277 Monomoscoy Rd (landscape plan) <br /> .Jack Lander-Cauley(contractor) representing the applicants explained their need to amend their existing <br /> outer previously approved by the conservation commission. He the commission proof of <br /> mailing for the abutter notices from the post office. He did mail all of the letters out but did not get the <br /> green certification card back on one. The applicants wish to-landscape between the house and shoreline <br /> and along the easterly line of the property. The landscape plan includes removal of 0 of the lawn and <br /> installation of a fire pit. Mr. Peter Harrington attomey for Mr. Frederick camerato, an abutter to the <br /> property, expressed some concems with the worts at Mr. Welch's. His client is concerned with the wall <br /> being built on the property and the drainage issue that is being created. The drainage issue directly <br /> 2 <br />