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ashpee conservation Commission <br /> Minutes of November 15, 2007 <br /> J Public Hearings <br /> l as h pee Town Hall <br /> Commissioners Present: Jack Fitzsimmons mons (chair), Ralph Shaw(Vice chair), Jeffrey cross, Lloyd • <br /> Allen, John Rogers and Cass costa and Leonard Pinaud <br /> Staff present: Dreg McManus Manu (Conservation Agent) and Melissa Brown (Board Secretary) <br /> Jack Fitzsimmons mons called the meeting to-order 6:55pm <br /> Post Hearing Agenda: <br /> 1 Environmental Oversight Meeting <br /> The agent explained that on 11/08 he had attended the Environmental Oversight meeting at their <br /> invitation. The iters that were covered were open space and the use of volunteer groups within the town <br /> to monitor tern lands. The group,suggested that Conservation extend their jurisdiction to include <br /> responsibility for open space. The agent did express interest in pursuing the measure. The Committee did <br /> express concern with an increased workload and did state that this had been discussed before under a <br /> different agent. The Committee requested documentation on the matter and that the agent read old <br /> documents pertaining to this. The agent also liked the idea of volunteers upolicing"some of the <br /> Conservation areas and cataloging illegal activities similar to a model used in the Town of Falmouth. The <br /> Committee expressed concerns that there are not enough resources to neither organize nor fund this <br /> effort. The committee also wanted more information and everyone agreed to revisit this after further <br /> review. <br /> j Approve Minutes from 10/18/2007 <br /> Motion made, seconded and un nimously carried to approve the minutes from 10/18/2007. <br /> Revision of fines <br /> The committee spoke of raising the fines for after the fact filings. They feel the increase in thea warrants <br /> a more punitive positron so that they come through the proper channels. The agent did state that it will be <br /> hard to apply fairly due to some people actually doing it on purpose and some not knowing any better. <br /> Everyone agrees to review it again at another meeting. The Committee would also like to see the house <br /> plans submitted.previously or have a document written that there must be house plans provided at the <br /> hearing. The committee has seen ah increase in people not prepared for the hearing who have had to <br /> have a continuance because they do not have the proper documentation including house plans. <br /> Hearing Agenda <br /> 7:00 p.m. Michael and.Judith Welch,AOC—277 Monomoscoy Fid (continued from 10118/07) <br /> Kevin Kirrane: Jack Cauley-Landers and Tori O'Neill stood to represent the applicants. Mr. Kirrane <br /> described the applicant's amendments to the original filing. The plantings were expanded/altered and he <br /> described the changes to the driveway area. He also stated that a survey was done to see what affect the <br /> driveway charges had on drainage at Mir. Camerato's property. Jack eauley-Danders went on to further <br /> explain that from what'lie has observed the water being well retained by the dry wells and that the pavers <br /> do not create any issues for the abutter Mr. eamerato. Mr. Harrington (Attorney)for Mr. eamerato stood <br /> to debate those findings. He also stated for the record that he did not feel the original filing represented <br /> the driveway expansion accurately and that he had submitted a letter to the agent regarding the flood <br /> plain. The agent did acknowledge reppipt of the letter. The agent himself did also go on to state that he <br /> saw no sheet draining of water on his on site in the rain and that the depressions in the driveway from the <br /> work trucks at the Welch's were most likely the culprits to more water pooling on his property just due to <br />