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necessary but that she will be required to have a 61 encased opening leading into-the house. The letter <br /> also stated that they were fine with the relocation of the septic and required no engineered plans for the <br /> move. The Board of Health had not seen the house plans with the encased opening. The went had done <br /> an on site and spoke with Mrs. Rhodin about the project and that it would involve removal of some pitch <br /> pines. The applicant Inas agreed to plant blueberries in place of the trees. The agent saw no real impact <br /> and recommended approval with the condition that the Board of Health approve the plans. <br /> Lotion made, seconded and unanimously carried for a negative determination. <br /> 7:15 p*rn, Frederick Weingeroff, RDA— 141 Daniels Island Road (Replace existing deck) <br /> Michael Leblanc(Contractor)described the applicant wishes to replace an existing deck with no footprint. <br /> expansion. The current deck is approximately 18 gears old and in disrepair. There will also be some <br /> removal of invasive vines as they are currently growing into the deck structure and the concrete mall <br /> around it. The agent recommended approval. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried for a negative determination. <br /> 7:18 p.m. New Seabury Properties,,AOC—2 Great Field Landing (Lot#3 Flet Pond Subdivision) <br /> (Continued from 11/11/2007) <br /> The applicant has requested that this application be withdrawn. The original notice of'intent stated that <br /> they wanted a plan review. it did not state that a house would be constructed on the property. They are <br /> going to resubmit and use the correct language in the a v rtisement. <br /> 7:21 p.m. c IwB lE , RDA—South cape Beach Mate Park, Great Oak Rd (Repair deck) <br /> Brendan Annetta representative for the park described the project;they wish to fix the walkway at the <br /> location. The repairs are very minor with just a few planks and railings. The agent had done an on site <br /> and recommended approval based on the findings. The agent saw no impact at all from this repair. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried for a negative determination. <br /> 7;24 p.m. l CRWBNER , RDA—South Cape Beach Mate Park, Great Oak Rd. (Construct 12'x 16' <br /> shed) <br /> Brendan Annett, representative for the park described the project;they would like to construct a new 12'x <br /> 1 'shed between the parking lots. It will serge as a guardhouse and for tool storage. Currently the <br /> guardhouse is at the end of the road and that will be taken down when the new one is in plane. The agent <br /> recommended approval. <br /> Motion made,seconded and unanimously carried for a negative determination. <br /> 7:27 p.m. Blanche Pozerski,AOC—83 ll hippo Zvi#1 Circle (Maintenance and perpiptuity of permitted <br /> dock) (Cass costa steps down on this application) <br /> The agent described the applicant's request to perform maintenance and perpetuity on and around the <br /> permitted dock. He recommended approval as there is no impact created by the request. <br /> Motion made, seconded and carried to approve the amended order of conditions. <br /> 7:30 p.m. DennisKerkado, Not—6 Quaker Faun Load (Install in-ground pool, vista pruning and <br /> mitigated plantings) <br /> Brian-Casey of Casey Landscaping described the applicant's wish to install a 24 'x 14 `in-ground pool. Mr. <br /> Casey did state that after speaking to the agent the applicant will be withdrawing the request for vista <br /> pruning. The applicant will file for that at a later time. The installation will include blue stone and stone <br /> dust and the pool will ill b enclosed in a chain link fence with vinyl backing. The walkway to the pool will be <br /> constructed of 4 x 4 and I x 6 pressure treated pieces. The applicant has agreed to mitigative plantings <br /> with high wildlife value. Mr. Ikon Armstrong, an abutter'did step forward to Inspect the pians but did not <br /> object to the project. The agent recommended approval with the removal of the vista pruning from the <br /> application. <br /> 3 <br />