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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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7:09 Patricia'Schmitt Seconsett Point Road) Remove ve replace existing septic system with a <br /> Title V system - RDA„ <br /> Resource Area: LSCS , Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank <br /> Material submitted: Site Plan 4111112 J.E Landers-Caul , P.E Proposal of Sewage Disposal <br /> System 4111112 J E Larne s-Cat e, P.E <br /> (30:45-1 Barbara Frappier with J.E. Landers-Cauiey is representing the applicant and explains that <br /> this project is a replacement for a failed septic. The old cesspool System will be pumped and filled <br /> with clean sand. The new system is being placed in the front-of the house. Agent McManus <br /> confirms that the new system i ' above ground water. The agent states that the back yard is all <br /> turf abutting an armored concrete reinforced coastal bank. The new system is being placed at the <br /> furthest location from the edge of'water. Boil comments state that plans are under review for a <br /> conventional Title v system to accommodate a four bedroom dwelling. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried for a Negative active Determination <br /> 7:12 John Selland Barbary Circle) Replace failed septic system-with Title v system <br /> Resource Area: <br /> Material ire : Sewage System Upgrade Plan 4/7'112 J. Doyle Associates <br /> [35,-301 John Doyle from J. Doyle Associates is representing the home owner and explains that he <br /> helped prepare the plans for Mr. & Mrs. Belland. Mr. Doyle states that the recent inspection on the <br /> current septic system failed. .The raw system will be s.lightly further from the hasour a areas.- The <br /> existing system's tank will be removed, back filled and then loam and seed will be applied to the <br /> disturbed area. Agent McManus states that no part of this work will de-stabilize the bank and the <br /> removal/excavatibn is on existing turf. BOH comments state that plans are under review. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried for a Negative active [ eterminati n <br /> 4) Mote to approve WBNERR MOA for salt marsh access at South Carpe Beach —Agent McManus <br /> states that WBNERR would like to start soon but there are a fever revisions that should be made to <br /> the MOA. one item is that there was not a timeline stated and the agent would like to see a <br /> general timeline given for project/research completion. Agent McManus reads for the record <br /> portions of the ITA document which includes the design description and also how WBNERk will <br /> provide quarterly updates to the Mashpee Conservation Commission. The went added a revision <br /> on page 2 regarding the restoration of any adverse impact to the'resour a areeis in accordance to <br /> the Mashpee's wetland bylaws. He also added that notice of removal be given at least one geek <br /> prig to a large storm event to ensure proper removal and minimization of damage to the salt <br /> marsh. One other suggestion is regarding signage; there is no wording of it in the MOA and the <br /> agent states that any kind of signage could possibly attract unwanted publicity. Agent McManus <br /> asks if the Commission would like to take another couple of weeks to review. Mr. Rogers ers asks <br /> what type of enforcement is in place to pull the boardwalk Grp in case of a storm. Agent McManus <br /> states that WBNERR and Concom could work together on such an occurrence. They have <br /> always had a great working relation with Waguoit Bay. Agent McManus will send the revised <br /> document to WBNERR and then a finalized document will be sent out to the Commissioners for <br /> their signatures. <br /> 5 Land Stewardship Program update (marming,trail work —Agent McManus shows all of the new <br /> features on the Lard SteWard website and explains a lot of the new features that have been <br /> added by Kelsey Boyd} the Ar ericorp volunteer. Any upcoming events will be reflected in the <br /> Google calendar that has been recently added to the website. There is a list of parcels under the <br /> Trail Guide link that will have information. like land features, history, trail length.and panel acreage <br /> 3 <br />
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