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7:27 David & Cathleen Ser fini 0 16 Pimlico Pond Road) Replace existing failed cesspool with <br /> Title 5 septic System - l�D <br /> Resource Area: Buffer Zone to MasheWkey Pond <br /> Mae submitted: As-Built Sketch 3125111 CSN Engineering/Propose Sewage Disposal 31311 <br /> CSN Engineering <br /> Linda Pinto from CSN Engineering'e plains that the septic system has failed. There are two <br /> cesspools on the adjacent property. They have installed a 1500 gallon septic tank and 1, 00 gallon <br /> y pump chamber. Unfortunately, the septic tank has to be installed where it was because of a depth <br /> problem. Agent McManus states that this work has already been completed as well because of the <br /> urgent nature. The Board of Health has approved the plans. Mr. Sweet points out that the <br /> comment sheet shows approval for a three bedroom home but the plans submitted are for a four <br /> bedroom. Agent McManus recommends that Ms. Pinto call BOH to clear it up. <br /> (Agent McManus confirmed the following day that this was in fact a po') <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanim usly.carried for a Negative Determination <br /> 7:30 Leslie Wagner 1 P pp nesset Island Road) Remove invasive plantings and install native <br /> mitigation plantings and stairway over coastal bank.- NOI <br /> Resource Area: Coastal Bank, LSCSF, Buffer to Coastal Bank <br /> Material submitted: Mitigation Planting 3115111 Jalowy Landscaping <br /> Torn Jalowy represented for the homeowner and explains that they wuld like to remove invasive <br /> plant material from the bank and front yard and replace with native plantings. Mr. Jalowy also <br /> describes an aluminum stairway that they would like to place in the back yard. He states that it will <br /> not alter the coastal embankment. Agent McManus confirms tha.t the property is riddled with <br /> invasive vines and bittersweet. He believes the removal of these invasives will improve the health <br /> of the existing cedar trees. The agent also states that the are where they are proposing the <br /> stairway is armored bank with multi-ton boulders. Mr. Jalowy also mentions that he is concerned <br /> with an existing oak tree at the corner of the house that is hollw and asks that it be removed for <br /> safety reasons. He offers additional mitigation if specified. The agent suggests filing an <br /> administrative approval for the removal of the tree. Chairman Fitzsimmons points out that the <br /> -stairway looks wide and Agent McManus nu states'that it can only be four feet-and asks Mr. Jalowy to <br /> submit an amended plan that shows the correct width. <br /> Lotion made, seconded and unanimously carried to close and Issue pending amendment t <br /> the plan <br /> 7:33 Jeremy Stevenson SE 43-2658 1 Monor os oy Road) construct boardwalk & dock <br /> extending into Little Firer - Ce ' May 5 @ xm - NOI <br /> Resource Area. .SCBE, Salt Marsh, Land Under Ocean, Coastal Dune. Coastal Beach <br /> Material submitted: Proposed Site Plan— Raised Wooden Walkway. Pier, ,damp & Float 211011 <br /> Cape & Islands gineenng <br /> ,hack Vaccaro from Vaccaro Environmental is representing the homeowner w ner arnd is proposing the <br /> construction of a new dock and boardwalk. Mr. Vaccaro explains that the own'ers would like to <br /> improve access to the beach area by creating a raised boardwalk/walkway to the beach. They <br /> would also like to replace an existing dock with a new dock. The designed construction would be of <br /> one structure consisting of a quantity of 120 diameter piles: 20 of which will be within the salt <br /> marsh area. The entire boardwalk surface is designed with fiberglass grating that provides % <br /> light penetration. The boardwalk will end at the end of the salt marsh where it transitions to coastal <br /> dune and at that point, possibly,opening a ' wide pathway across the dune. Currently, during the <br />