ffie :nr of, Aup4t 11, 1982 at 7 :00pa
<br /> At,te d,in - .'Md A4oa, C. a rteac , C.T.BuckinqAm
<br /> fflimue,o a.� Aupm t 4 accepted cw toAiUen
<br /> Rexwe4t lot uatLerice to eve-tor e .ert of, the .e ear . each a",a.
<br /> at 98 and 9. Tide Run aad at 60 X et Na.. tec e v d .Acer Oa�cr ..k an
<br /> 14tke , A44a. 4o,,U 4tu4 4how4 ria wa e-, ate witA.,Ea 12 �� -U a,� pad
<br /> quati4, , Booed vote4 to paat va,4,Lenc.e..
<br /> 2- Boa&d L4 �c . . d to rr,,eet with the Chattz& Cora. ars ue4&4, S ptembet 27
<br /> at :00p.. Boatd u;itt mend..
<br /> 3- Rer. u 4t o lam.. Pana. fat keik A.-ot cut4tde, ttme u4a,� Lagoon di4 uL4d
<br /> �&oa teco&d o .2 jilbcapAaP ta 7 rao h4 -�t waw uoted that the, 4zu.e
<br /> be deated. 1
<br /> 4- Bomtd inutted to the. Ainuat het . a,� the CommwUbj anc Hone
<br /> Se e4 7ue4day, R&-q.0 24 at 3:00pa. .the, me.e .gin . wii.L iactud4i a Pztewett
<br /> o /Zo v= Hoit, ae r v&o witt attead 4 Vie~ a.uaA:.,,U.'
<br /> 5- At.gu9ttetat apgeaoted to ,teq-ueot, a uatteace fo& dee .a err erg of, etre
<br /> . eac . at 141 De,&,&te Lane, c o Zt 4tu4 jhawc h. h. c atet tair. .e use of, Ao
<br /> di,f�e,u wou d atiow &a&e 4�ot 6 tachez a,� 4o4-t 4oit taq jhouroait
<br /> to be f,tae and, awtea i4 -ia Aood pta-in. Boy r d vote.4 tkat the te4uect
<br /> ire d jUe.d and d i ze c� that a. check arc .fie �ta d between hay u and
<br /> �.c. aak.. 171.. guqUetmL &ate e�d ur.- ue4Uor a. , rnextwt 'Cri I&a .eAt nasi
<br /> .743,4,o&5) -tepto him bik &.Tox ad not hau.,Laq, the zeovwe deuetoped
<br /> o , a&d4 4ho&4 hou4e in a tea. ho e.r eot tt r a4 erected bqo e the.
<br /> ,tapl,LmenAat,Loa date o.� the tegutatLoa. 7
<br /> 6- figs .e .a/ttd ars aaxte for ice a,� Laqon uia&k a. c.ar an tem �
<br /> cc Ue d te4gofi4e4 ijeze tecLwed Am wee,;
<br /> moa . .id to ca&&v out a)tt aae-5 7,3, 7 2
<br /> .as e it mxuie ray . td i ft"ted ono ia neer gra&k
<br /> Uao- 8 162400 �o& c�eateet aaon o,� tffaxtk than Caaam.
<br /> li carr re&,Out tnte;te4ted oq,4 o ,4ca new o&k. M,. Lawteace to nem
<br /> with. finances Carr. thi4 evefLing to di4 cu44 .tea ori. 4.ituattoa, ..a e d .arc,
<br /> 480� acttoa an fc nda4 Ra .,9. Bovid tote accept h. pza .o.,j a), o-
<br /> Eta to decvAt and op&ead teteriUoa tagoon4P& 4uhmLtted ice attach
<br /> Reuter of, fee e m a . . t. BuckiAghan to coat /fit..
<br /> eV4
<br /> Bete, He4tth 0.Lcp.& to LaqLaAe, about the, aanaeet to �.�.
<br /> • the et the ee. P& R"tauAant4, ai-d o Town. Coua4 et "L'4 to a4 k d fa ars
<br /> apAr2,Laa ori the teatraent of, out a.� toun pateems. . .e d4,4e&eace,
<br /> ffleetiaq a4 at 4:00pa
<br /> &�e4 T. Buckiaghara Ueotk..
<br />