ffie-et.�&q, of, Au4"t 25 198.2 at I :00pa
<br /> Atteadinq- . .�hdeu m, C.Lowtence,, R.bYii4 ars., Co To BuzkoiagAara
<br /> �otd,&&otqt 2.on L &eo �rw e . n u.� �w& �ot a .,�.. co4t
<br /> 9500A& ��-� e4 � ab feeo, � an Pte,, o b e
<br /> �o-t co4t of, t , . �ez4e
<br /> 99.2 Reque4t fo& exte"tcfaf, Vtc. te4t duet 4oit exam 4how4 wet
<br /> aad at 8 deet in, d&* yea& cyc .e. cAea to be te. .e�ced.
<br /> 3- . etez f&ar& .State .�ctot o., ' rad Herr e� awte, fflwjPr,6iVet
<br /> a . lie dtate4 that there ae dt4temekt4 6 u "t4 that the,
<br /> p,top,et req. 4 ho u. d be, .aptt ec. 22 under. &eqa&d a au.t4 aace,
<br /> He ai4o woutd tt e to know hata the 4tteet wa4 accepted trij. the Totua in
<br /> ew o�, corp ' 'ono e i4t iac . The, d ego et of, the a4ea ape &ed M.. D.
<br /> &ak,e mm to p 4 .rteha. the, .6tAee4 htwe Ueen ac eptedril the Towrt, a
<br /> pA,La,te waVA and he -w* ao tongz& te an4ib e -fo& theit main eaance, he
<br /> t a ed tlwt as wet a o c. wa4 to har e begirt. �omed to deat wtth the4e
<br /> p,zr em4tha he ham o4eted �&aaCiat 4 u. . o&t tAi4 4 oAt o,� ars Agm-
<br /> a .hut h" met r rt t h no &e4poace Am the oijaeA4 .� pto peAtip, Pi&&et
<br /> he bei et e4 that fik4.B,,wrrtrt � a &entez and aot the owae t o�, the p,)we&t
<br /> " 4he - mp4,ie , at4o that, he had4een e;t whea 4he, U.'Lewed the ptc �bj,,
<br /> c -.d at that t.Z e the, water coadittoa exi4ted and h.e had 4 eery. -t-fft.
<br /> ,mak eMaaa that the ;to ad i-d a pAivate wa ik that ta h i4 kaowtege
<br /> the, dtaia4 we&e c teaned is the in4t yew but that the, 4 o it �ia the a .ea
<br /> ,i4 pt da m,�Eaa.e4 ctat and the d17,Lt ewail4 Lmd toad h0u .de 4 a�.e rLot pAo-
<br /> tec ted Pwa e&o ding and 4itiaq the dZaAa ba4in4 with c. � urhtch e4e.ct-
<br /> .t e,44 bto aka they.. He rade 4 tg e4t ono �o/t cvmecttue, mea4u t e4 but
<br /> that a. he co u. d r o t a.�o&d .the co . . rhe the &e4ideat4 trete
<br /> rwt car` to a44Uae tJ-Lems 4hxme,. filt. BLLckiaqhaa aad Rpent ndez4 or, wit
<br /> e.utew the atea and mztk.e mo jaan4e � � the Bo atd.
<br /> - D t. �e appeaAed irz. tee. to the, avaitabtZibl of, Th&oat Swczb4amd a4,6o wed
<br /> d-tup. 5t ww4 4tated tV the Dt. that t/?,e&e "e manij tiae,4 when he ha ,te-
<br /> ue ted 4wairc in pn&ttcutat that the4 have nxt & en cuaptted a4 c u crk .e t .
<br /> a4 he t or u d ttke.The, chaia Of, 4U1.lP4wa4 o ed to Un te.fAom B04tGA
<br /> to LakeuiUe to the Caura to the Iowa, to him. HC 4uqc
<br /> ge4ted that a. man
<br /> taat 4 Upp4a� 500 4taa,&4e oa hand to Towa �o& h.4 a4e, (at th-i4 potat
<br /> he dtojaped the -teque4t P& ao e dtaq u. Pte he Bad 4u9,qe4ted to
<br /> D,t. Uzae that he take the matte& up woitA the CaurL4 o aid thtu the 0;,4c
<br /> o., F, Haweo a .d 6ee 4 thetj co u, .d acconuzdate hin.
<br /> 5- Fmo Co He-adiuckA aptpealmd to dL4cu44 the need a f, up, date of, 4 e ttc� at
<br /> the Tie Rem he 4 h.o weal the po�wi4toaa ivr4 a ad a4 k.e d Pt o •*jz-,,L0"
<br /> the Ba a .d rade it4 wi4hed and deraanA4 Pmo rn ems. coaptAdace, witli Zite
<br /> xh. .ch. r .e�uAAe a g e a�e t a anpte tarok,e teach a&e-a, h waw a t -4 ed
<br /> to 4 eek, the air-t*e of, a gjaee t Eot p&opelt water Aaw ptedtctAdw
<br /> and ca. `arm. Sec Lon,5 o�, Tttte 5 we te, qtuen to l&. erg. &,Lo fa-t iz
<br /> edi4cati,oa and a4 � a thaama comptete dLd ccs .orz. 4t wa4 ag&eed thaw he
<br /> tooted 4eCk pto f 4 tam heatp a. d 4ubmit con?.4e e ptaA4 dot he 4�wtex/
<br /> - lu. Il u/tphetj, a. .peated to di4UW4 the. t,& ` ,� the Cape Cod Techr
<br /> Schoot. buitdiaq a dewwtce &uZLdiaq at t o di41204at area. Vt wouid 4eea
<br /> Tache me ol, two end
<br />