floc aute4 o�, R y e bei 10, 1,982 at I :00pnL
<br /> Att-eadiaq- C.Ldtveace., R.Igtt,,j an, L. dem ori.,C. . ucUaglwa
<br /> Iflinute4 a,� [ZouembeA 3 accepted a4 wlz�ea
<br /> ` an a be art. r
<br /> INV �. O�ori. e� a� air .rte d ..�. a�e�. � �-�.r � ��
<br /> cr-th the Tt&e Ch..i4 cothat two punpo and 4. /tae. taakd a&e
<br /> ri�,-p e. , he, pimp4 a&e eu,�denttV, hco4te&z that 6 o utd cu ,ire. c .
<br /> the, u e, iz too auch. �ovt the na n punp., a wherz. a punpet t4 ireLong
<br /> ,te.c 4/tq,ed. Oae uems. evtdRat mac. ac ori.e know4 what. the "turn A04
<br /> ,6u po,6 end to do, ao pizvw at opeAattoa rrA. uctto" have thdi �� i7 e .
<br /> P uad, th,�4 Ba a d advi4 e4 that the they Chtef4 (P.D. and T.D. qu e
<br /> th4at .the S etectram obtain in .14 ilqo *ars tho4e o-� the, Bu itdia
<br /> Corr. auattabte, they eagAaeeA Za ;.i.-m uyhtch .L uiit the aar pix, the rem
<br /> d&ZUe,t the Boatd IwA aot tecteued a tem to thdA&Uettet to 4 ane)
<br /> ,&4o&e aacp othz-t method4 aze .t,e.d.
<br /> 2- 274 iia* ne with Lte.,&e4maa and BaVte a d. ffltq-ueite dijawced
<br /> the cha .ge4 a, . ue ted by, DEOE and trete totd and 4houya - . Aetch how
<br /> att &equt;teiaent4 c a utd be rae . tw-w to be ltdltaxa and u, itte . .
<br /> 3 f,..,w a aAd a o"q to nee . a .d dia c44 the. Sur- d t Ulwo ton
<br /> R g,4. /, Buck-in c har tviit meet with the% when a . a in tra ent cm be r ade
<br /> P't t-in . a .
<br /> - . ewe& Pearn .Lgluja�k Dept. t . Tie ars AUea
<br /> '-- Bia a d Baak, to be he-Ld Tawa liar. 12a u..2 , Ita ugh count a► u 'c i4
<br /> at 170, .0 de t4 hie .green ire , neuna- 'aa, and two town e pio e4.
<br /> 6- r a ttce. -� tia�,a&dau4 Sp4At Re4Aanje meeting, fat Cape an lZv. 19 at Tite
<br /> .e, AqRnt and Ttete Cktef, wtt t attend and Imo. u k is gA rn
<br /> 4 0 'Oib . .
<br /> 7- Rottc e, a�, Geo& .ea' Corm.. ae et is o v. 16 at 2:00pn?,.
<br /> -- Cop�t o,� Setectaenz jai LtA to .e . ).e.. weer waw den.
<br /> o9- Heatth dgenbc uyo.,t�hop, lZa u.78 at 0:0 ars. Rqent and CTB to attead.
<br /> 70- Bored te.cALevd �at D 4 a4 at "ea rtac.,,t.
<br /> il- Uu c 4hrLe. a, eij Condo.. Mt. iaa, .;L. Prze4 P.E. and /U.12ipSint.. qppeated
<br /> o pze4ent the ptaa4 and .4a 'ars .ed, it de eto e d that
<br /> ptaa4 had beea hauqJ-Lt to have, been p&e4e.riAted be,�aze but we tee not t --
<br /> c. e.t d .Cil the aid. Uperz, p,a ems, pt=4 .brei.q 4hotrn and 4,ete ' d bij a .
<br /> the aaAd a .pAo ued 4 epttCW iru. . . x.94 4,5, 7,8,9, 10 trh ch a r
<br /> noted to be ohowaan Ptan, Sect.oa B ;&et i4erd &q. ad vtd u7t u tdia 4V,4-
<br /> tea pZar a attached, to j.eAmA.Doted that thi4 aero 4 C,�(4ta .0 i4
<br /> �O Ot ia 200)
<br /> 2- DSA o f &equtattaa tequZziag, u4 e a�- U.S S r, a. et 4 u)tve* 4�e4
<br /> pta .end ars. .i.e., tt i4 feU . � the, t o a4e: 14 t eA* 4uce44fUt
<br /> and &eq4 wa u .d aot 4e-.,-we anti Ae.at "P,0 .
<br /> Neeting, ad j. :00pa
<br /> ChxtAte4 '. ucA,� , h.m c. eAk..
<br />