ffleetotaq of, S e-t 7,1983 at 6:00pnt
<br /> ` C.. .B fir , R.OV4ori
<br /> ffl.i t fie4 of., Au4u4t 29, accepted a4 w4.ittea
<br /> - ot. .C,.e AteC L end AM. She Heatth thXb-t'the PULh t4 urs arc a aitahte
<br /> ao&e inp coffmaaff,oa UUY ' ichea 4cAooL -t"4 4ettted is to check with au&4
<br /> ori papa 4hot need.
<br /> ,2- 3rtedpt. a4 mzetiai; ort ft,,Uea,
<br /> 3- Reao fwa DWE ori Dept. of, Watpt PattvAAoa C n t w , Atde--ow Asea A&
<br /> .rte no comae4 to ire ta .eao
<br /> 4. /ZoUce fAoa IRHOR I&eRA4nq at Uatte4 no need to attend, anmwt mzetZag to
<br /> be, hzid Oct.1.2-44 a 1-6 ao&e inp corm ...
<br /> 5. Reque4t &ec a e.d f," 509 rated Rd. fog extzrw4xa o pwAc.
<br /> air t amid urates cDaditZcn4 atter good, uote to extend Pt r h Aaerx .
<br /> Waapoaoaq Rod and �Lm had & c .e ed a. Ae&mit fo& u cel e d u4 e. o�, a4chchht
<br /> piw tr4xled that, Aood pe&mU Am BOR wa4 irz, hard, rLa ori.e apptte d �o& peoot--
<br /> rrt , pottce weAe to have checked wt& VLi4 Bo aad the4 did fiat, a repo .
<br /> o be 4en.-At tD the B.Qt Se. mer. AzquA44inq that .Za the Pitwte thet. r o.
<br /> ,L4.due h o at pe&m4A4 unAit thzy, aAe ahow . the. BON pe-.,vaZt fwt Aad
<br /> 7- LeAtez �,wa She Sot.d Wa . e. with c ue4ttan e& ..o be f, d aad &eAwmed
<br /> 8-- HOtf&e4 a d filegmth a Ld pti ,ct .e mor. P&H Reait4a with a. &equeoot,
<br /> o mzet w4 h. Bo a d an am est. cry it oxo u d cer .moothpU tot
<br /> that ,j .the* to a .d do 4tXt4t pro&k. OrL tll e. Cordo 4 et u.a th e
<br /> WZU t0 iaq, piwL4 urea 4hown tah di wet c inA
<br /> Buttd,ia94 3 ;aad Bu4lzUaq 4 the, urateot wtit ire p&o voLded by, cam. to the
<br /> &UZiAdinq4, 6tac/L dj4cha4qz tine4 to the wk,, amd 6 000 gat
<br /> aak, truit uat-ve to teach th&u mcm 4tgzd maa--ho .e .. Bo a&d voted
<br /> .or a pow uell a . ,rZt t O 144Ue. peAmit tahA& A" att" aapt-Le4.
<br /> Spec apo a ,jC.,U44e vcd fAonz. T.C.. iwm 2nme* que4t oa
<br /> .a aAaa ori Towa mzetiaq. aowt ent Pwnt E Sec.
<br /> to ft.Bu �• Sete uTZU .ak h.a� �t,he . �-
<br /> .in aq&eRmvU rxr4. h the BOH alt the ae d to gAt out a�- LaadfiAU off.
<br /> . he4 aapo-tove, o the 4pe o�, 'tr ,
<br /> tAzy, a-te a of e e d t -i4 nab objecttoa or the pnAt to haue the
<br /> AactiZtt,t ,a #&z4hAeew
<br /> But . he4 urZU aot d&jc4t44 the, mzAtet wtth the, Sttec Coo
<br /> the* W-iit di4 cum a Latch * other ca
<br /> . h.e4 wtU a k that, the Waoizotent h4AZrte ire
<br /> 7he 4 en4e alt the Boa&d o-� Heatth i4 tha.1, t i4 appo exptaia to
<br /> f t e. 4tttU&UXrL at, tAe bi4 .a. a. . ate , an d the C-04t, quad md, a
<br /> c.onAA'nAted tanxWU.L o r. mu4t Jje, takRa t&A4zvtdLe4,j4 the SelecAmRjw
<br /> it 4 uTZ& qAeat dj4apja ' that tU4 Bo aid hem Vur
<br /> ar* aueade o;, di4 cu4-dt . t ao e-d untz4,6 it i4 ctext&44 ia the, .newt
<br /> to,te4,e4t o.4 the, Tom to do -6o-The Boa,&d uritt corabuLe to doizCU44 aad
<br /> 4tU4the IL �, the. Stetec Co. At al. a44tqwerLt At a
<br /> -- TheAe wttk arc a 4 o a AqorL the R zrzt urs a .t e .
<br /> -- RejaoAt red 4om con4uitirzg. eagiaexe z to ptawiiag, Boa&d C,,Rcw4,eip
<br /> iwm S da #U4t Ae&tia.pim the Bow ag&ee4 ur .t h hi.6 4tatejaent4hi. wo w
<br /> ad,d a ae c P-t Cteeja 40it &eaa&t4 to n4 a�, Aur a., the ite4 of,
<br /> mac. "tgM .e. Jj q4 2 y , ,2,
<br /> 2- L.ttet tech e.d �r& T.C. tmote. to gatd&e -Zanto a nwi"&.i .c cri t
<br /> ori 1.4� to czat g*-Z and oee 4 w A&ac d aom f.. L'4
<br /> 4ettRA .gid
<br /> ae.e,Uag a4. a :3 Opae
<br /> V To BackiagAm cte�k~
<br />