<br /> Ifleetiag of, & e-& 26, 7 983 at 6:00�.,w
<br /> d.jaq� - leo W-U4aa Cr aw e.ace. C•7•BuckiaqAm
<br /> o , .Sept. 7 9 accepted a car
<br /> -�
<br /> Regmto�, Baovtxtb .e HeaUh /r czerdonIU-L .
<br /> RARP ha4 gtve . diabe-e J te4rt kit Ato Tdiaouth U-i4ttia(;, IZU44e4 the kit
<br /> .c4 to tie kept, 4J* L the, P044e4tcia o;, the, al"4e 4eWiag, Ncz4hpee. Tiae4
<br /> -�O& TtUe 4 h.ot4 4et oma. f..,Ue a t4 o anao uaceaent aa.de. o. Uffl *URC odho.t
<br /> auaLtabtLay. whea the nuitbe&4 a&e kaom.
<br /> 3- Piannm" cl Baa&d aeao thea aote the BO- Ac maea ". foo. d vow
<br /> e-Lopeam. t4 a .�d wZU get bazko
<br /> 4-- Reno.o to H.Coitirw iwm cizan up of, gege&4 Ato . Oa lite
<br /> Cape Cod Lartd. f .fiZu&ph* appexz&zd to di4 .0 -6 the to .d �' t .mac. a
<br /> 1&wfa SeLetmen- .the toad-e-& .4 mk-ed wh.ete tt 14 ia o4dz& to keep
<br /> tit & . the 4 e~ ,, . . . 14 r&cxued at exvUte4t F04odZUeMom ia
<br /> �. .0 i4 howweA tri. dam'.re~ a �o u .a. `h e� r�rh. .t .e tam, � .t4
<br /> gAoWAA9- but r � hem * a.o I , ,S�re�4 .e
<br /> reg contacted aad keepp-taaAL4-& to p .k. up, the next week, b" the
<br /> rte. pa* nothing aad act at th e L& con .ice., .thy 4.4 c cikctt-
<br /> cte pobte . aad the, onA* dotuttoa 4 to &ea& with 4t aad kzeja the p.
<br /> 4 r ea.t. cw .c .ate. &epos that t cA Ud tm armee eatetiaq. t hAu
<br /> the .track wood4 woodaad ptayinq in, the, a&ea a4e& h u&4, neno to go to
<br /> ua.4 -F44e a4king pot pat-tot Aaa 4:30 to Du4k,, -it -C*4 thauqAt that
<br /> tAe k.Ldd arc Pwa the ffieztiaq, Hou4eRd. a�ta.-B&"h. p--Uz i4 .6taUtt
<br /> IAMO en-t tO ARX= 7oJ, tAhu ft. Ma&04 o Aeao craL o-A h t 4 4tOCk
<br /> ia thAze aW Vie. Laqo on4 wete di4aWd p4,pe4 a&e ptu " a
<br /> a .d LaButte, ham &eza &Ue-Ad to r- .our then UTOUtd 4een that tAe
<br /> pt,ae -ia tAe IT" roc ate.e act 4et, eves. ori ier et to ire 4 eat to
<br /> Utw . aad ft. to .o o tree. the, , :n a. mzeting with the
<br /> Board.
<br /> 6— L&ttet .mor . &.Ha4t is ,Lah. ptaat Baa&d -i4 urw aAti4kLed with the, �u&-
<br /> mxaiDa
<br /> zec.Zeued, the 44 j4 ao•t foVA comm is no pzAm4A4 c tkk he
<br /> .t u d, The, Boa d .4 &ec euta a4 .t ice. lbwa ft. A .et, Lake vttte
<br /> DME. ia thi4 mztte& aad wZU cont4nue to Pikow ho!4 adv t.ce..
<br /> - The niau t" of, tAe A6q rets &ewte we d aad. accepted.
<br /> The Boa&d w.t attead the dame#, nee t. o.� tAe A*4 o c.BOH o.� a wtxUrte.
<br /> B.EiemmRjU4 wtLt be, ix.ui ed aj the BoaAdd que4t.
<br /> 9- LeAte& &ecLwed jbwn Thzt.Za 'RolUgetea 4,equewtoi aq exte"ton. o,4 peAc Pot
<br /> la Teit4 Poad Rd. SoV4 coadZttanoa poo<e4t rrxde at tow wa eot jaeAtod
<br /> 182 aad te4.t 4 o y et one Oea& o d, Bad uote4 to dzmA extetwtoa.
<br /> ad4. 8:00 P..
<br /> .TO .Le .k..
<br /> .dead .m- The Bowid a.ce ept4 .the ha . o�, a S o tt "to dt•t4 o&q. Coat.. Awt
<br /> the, ow&, a4 4 uqqe,4tzd by. the .Seie.ctaen4 ..ice.
<br />