f etia �, Octobe& 31 t 7983 a . *3 pa
<br /> .Ldw-tmce: R. ittod on, C. . c ck l.n ha
<br /> fiUnt&&4 of, Octoireot 24 accepted a4 ter
<br /> fAofa T. 4A.,tc e 3, qae~ tAte�e.at A& taqoorw, Baa .d tuttt
<br /> tac.e. o&de& dot putcha4e, of, 2 qa . of, tima aad 5 qat.of, X3 3 an d
<br /> t4&t tAez&toneat . Let tem 0a f-,,Ue
<br /> LetAe& Aar Caae Cod Cor4 ttu cttoa A4o c.. o a -Aite mer the, acceptence, of,
<br /> wood at Land fUi4, we hoc a potteil detand "ed Pz u4e of wood.
<br /> 3- Re .ue t A=. T.Wat4 cin A& Vie. dulu*nq Not4xta# Sea4 o .- Boatd r e que4t4
<br /> that the n a.aad C. &k t&�p .o wcAkcut the, Sze . e, we-ea theAo
<br /> - Rio to Town that the tina.� nteetLaq, i4 6:30 no,t
<br /> 6:00pa " i4 treiag PAZIted-s
<br /> 5- Caj4 a, tetteAto [ft. a .t •cry &�h on 4Ue,DEQF, adui4 e that
<br /> hem witi tec 4*" the piant P.)WC"4 artd arc 4,e4orw.,[b .e fot end
<br /> Met. aut R'pet wiit be the, ooteu ,ewia 0411L�*
<br /> 6- Re4u"t At .fir aer t tine Aom Agent tA&ze daces Ba a4d uo t z4 to care*
<br /> he. tine.
<br /> 7- ft. Law&eace made as Zu .cc tion(fit .--o a ,tng) o►A the Shop,o - a
<br /> p&op. on Oct.2 , . ate ." p ecto:aa wa4 mxtde with na
<br /> Via& acyt t c c af, need at a Uae. torte. . .h e, a.Aeat uj e. ga. cd wtth
<br /> qpjuojnAaenA4, white ackaourted4ing that the p.,,w * 4houtd have men the
<br /> Bawd much nam tad time itL h.,14 Ac ue4 t At ia4 enc toi on, f m.Law&mce
<br /> aade the, in4ccs n enabtiri . the, oAerttaq .to •take pace. ffite Buckiaghcm
<br /> h.oAe4 that the &4iae4.d A4a . Wrt mad to the Boa&d4 tztte& 40
<br /> hast 4114tmL .e4 i4,ke thi4 LLTIU aot take pace, it �i4 act the dut* a,�
<br /> ,Ba atd Lena r )Z4 out 4.jte 4A. .cc tar4,. urzte44 the agent otea4AAa
<br /> ' + and the &eutw o�, the aAd.
<br /> -- CoPAA4 al, .t . oa d c � e��c 'a" xh C u ��.e�r�.t
<br /> Ttt,te 5 ate in the agAnda boak4 and extota copte4 wtU .&e mxuiefot the.
<br /> a . RotLce taa4 mazte, a�, the 4ectZon deattaq r .h the heZght a�, Aund-
<br /> ation4
<br /> ia area" wh e e. the tat .tis iretow the . met teuete
<br /> Of Com. �"M flltb TZIJAP4 bYate.,tWay- on ket.,.teA 4 en t tO
<br /> Mt. Law.,tmce otXkCtjrLq to aCttaft takea-JVt JJ ` qtte, blhR e.
<br /> 4h.e oo&k to &e 4to .{ed becnu4e, pRAmU4 At c had not &em
<br /> ,!4real ktid nay& had buZLdtaq, qeAatt4 .greeni* ue.d, and. the, fZU reagc
<br /> &em o ued wa4 &eing takea gut of, Tom urs. out peam4,t4. The, cue 4 t Laa of,
<br /> .the Auadation hat 4*4 44A4,tCA 4 ' t.0 ana the.,t the, Bu4AAiag. .9tt4Aecto& h.a
<br /> .the utw tAat AnAoU a A.,M -i4 dotapped, into a hate he dae4 ao t corwide t
<br /> that a &uejtdjag, i4 &eiaq rut .t a .d 4o no peAxit -i4 aeeded.The BOR "
<br /> o , .thea ` n that. w thi4 V4'er,.�. m"t take 4tt t O ,
<br /> pttc 41ptea `ems are~ tin 4.te rw butixUaq i4 be-iaq dotm.
<br /> fes. Lw&eace ham totd the AgRiLt not to 4nteAtete Za aARa4 not doi4tiact4
<br /> taith,ia the BOR a&ea4 a�, &e4 .orL4i,& ' , the, 4o U tenouat gym. rt-o%n w
<br /> a utan o Tam -taud .rut 4hou.Ld tt a of haue beea a Pottce
<br /> 04, 4hou.Ld it have bem a. Ita-t the h4oaec to
<br /> They a a�.d �� thea aid) c e o k. to r..e a .t et. � to the figenA
<br /> de,4c&tbir?,q the c.,onzptabjt4 4n e* h. 4, a et tran aid 4*IrL4t&uct het U appy
<br /> at the aeetiaq, a f, the Boa&d Rauenbe& 7 to wwwete tAe stte ".
<br /> flov.9 Tourn Ha.0 fUm 4hat 4 econd 'c. iraew Ilan to 1pa. aia o the
<br /> .,te--.�U n a.� the Hapvzdou4 Ija te p4,ck up- wVU ire fro reef 12 at the. a -k�q
<br /> .dot a�, the . aadwtch. 1.qe o ' .
<br /> ead page ane
<br />