Board of Health, minutes, Meeting, 8/13/84 Page 3
<br /> 13. (Continued)
<br /> CHL questioned that he had seen no sign reqarding the bundling of papers,
<br /> mike explained that there is a sin, if not two stating that papers must be
<br /> bagged or bundled*
<br /> Steve Vain Toff. said that if volume cont nues the Board might want to consider
<br /> opening the seventh day. CHL felt it was creditable but perhaps that day could
<br /> be used for general maintenance U o e. cover etc,,) .
<br /> CFB asked that i , time per .ttnge we try to locate the material on a corer
<br /> material used in a back pack (usable down to 15 degrees) is could be operated u
<br /> to about 95 degrees,, sprayed s a liguid, it hardened and could be used at
<br /> depth of 211, it fob an inpervious surface and more garbage could be put on
<br /> it and break it down, and carry it through and let air in.
<br /> CM said that when we talk additional things, we are talking additional costs
<br /> ply additional time for the contractor.
<br /> C said that we would probably be responsible for the cost but it could be
<br /> done for about per yard,, FB requested the office clerk to try to obtain the
<br /> bids that Falmuth got on their cover material.
<br /> CHL wed the clerk to pull the ems t ng contract .in order to up-date,
<br /> 14, Peggy Collins/Arlene Wilson appeared re: ItIatersedge Condos, stated they
<br /> had received prelknnary subdivision approval fran Planning fid. They pre-
<br /> sued a plan showing five sub-divided lots of the mashpee section of project,
<br /> in addition they provided the Bd with more grounder-rater charts of nitrate load-
<br /> ing. They noted receiving the letter from this Bd after the first 'go round'I
<br /> it was stated it would be a public water supply and the fea till er application
<br /> will be covered by a covenant,, Arlene Wilson spoke on de-nitrification pro-
<br /> cesses, she said that 'no lot' of the five lets aril l have more than 15,000
<br /> waste-water loading per day, and that no lot will have nit=qm loading in ex-
<br /> cess
<br /> -cess o drying water standards of tern parts per million, the range of nitrom-
<br /> gee. loading on the material presented was 1.6 perste per unit believed to be
<br /> the population density s. Filson refers here to the Bd's letter r o. bel-
<br /> Shields project, wherein the Bd suggested using 2 persons per unit,, that would
<br /> be the high of the nitrogen loading w The averal l nitrogen loading for all
<br /> lots, which is aoout 52,,7 acres or 162 units. using 2 persons per unit is 8.4
<br /> parts per million, and this would be below what w uid be gotten if DEQE super-
<br /> v .sed the 't eat nt plant on the site as requested by the Bd., where the effluent
<br /> characteristics old be allowed to be io parts per million..
<br /> Wilson stated the thing that tUs project has that lsebe l Shields did not have
<br /> is a wet-lana right in the middle of it, even though the bog will be active,
<br /> the anamt of nitrogen that ,ll be put on as fertilizer sirrply does not cam
<br /> up to the nitragen mal. characteristics for ,this wetland* she refers to page
<br /> three of the 'hand-out' which has a list of ratal rates, wherein
<br /> nitrogen is the first constituent listed depending on the study an th� kind of
<br /> wetland, the .re.oval rates are fry 104 to 533 lbs per surface acre per year,
<br /> fresh water wetlands, the la4er numbers being for well developed swmips,. the
<br /> higher nu-r ers are for fresh water marshes and wetlands where there is actually
<br /> more removal of the vegiMticn by cropping,, she explained the number they had
<br /> been using throughout their company for fresh water marshes and cranberry bads
<br /> 400 lbs. per surface acre,, per year.
<br /> CFB, "Excuse m, if I follow, the only way the wetlands can control is 'if it's
<br /> distributed into the wetlands?
<br /> Wilson: There is actuallISr scme anx=t of flow that may be anticipated in ocne"
<br /> 'tact with the underside of the peat lager, as the ground water runs under, s o
<br /> that you would get sane regal of that., surface flow if it were infiltrated over
<br /> the trop, your also picking it up in thto of ground water lager.
<br /> y
<br /> C 'B . "In the zone of aeration?
<br /> Both, Rvestj
<br /> Wilson requested re onsiderat cin of�letter of ulY with add.tion al
<br /> .norat ..on ust supplied the Board and the changes in the development Pram
<br /> the original plans, the flaws (even though they are higher than
<br /> are still not sufficient for a waste water treatment plant to insure that it
<br />