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t <br /> Mr. Ball wanted to know how much out of the ground was it mounded. <br /> Mr. Darrington replied that it would be four and one half feet out of the <br /> ground. <br /> Mr. Ball asked if he would see a big mound sticking out of the ground. <br /> MrsSanicki confirmed that that was correct. <br /> Ms. Warden interjected that it was an existing house. <br /> Mr. Harrington asked if the applicants didn't went to do a denitrification <br /> system to drop that or anything. <br /> Mr. Sanicki responded that they didn't vivant to spend more than <br /> $10,000,00, <br /> Mr. Harrington stated that he understood that position. <br /> Mr, Sanicki stated that it was the best he could while maximized the <br /> element of the pond, He tried putting it in the corner but the reserve <br /> would be in the driveway, light new they were leaving the driveway. <br /> Mr. Ball asked if the driveway was at the sane elevation. <br /> Mr. Sanicki stated that the whole lot was level. 'there probably wasn't <br /> more than one-half a foot difference from the front to the rear. He was <br /> asking for a variance to the street lime of zero. He was asking for a <br /> variance to the abutter of five-feet. They will locate the water service if <br /> they had to. So you have a narrow situation that was fifty feet gide. <br /> Mr. Ball asked for a distance. <br /> Mr. Sanicki replied that without a scale it was roughly three or four feet. <br /> Ms. Warden asked if they were putting in a tank or was there an existing <br /> tank. <br /> Mr. Sanicki replied that he was replacing a cesspool with at tank/pump <br /> chamber combinations <br /> Ms. Warden asked about putting in H20. <br /> Mr. Harrington Mated that when they got into this combination all they <br /> made was H2O tanks anyvays. Then ten feet to the driveway was <br />