<br /> . Approve Public session minutes: May 149 2008 and May 28, 2008
<br /> The following corrections were made to the May 14, 2008-minutes:
<br /> - Page 2, under 8:00 PM George I envy ay, lines 1 and 3, change Fenway to
<br /> Benway.
<br /> Page 2, under 5: P1 George enay, line 2, insert the words father of before
<br /> the word buyer
<br /> - Page 2, under : P George en ray, line , add the word sore after ieids�
<br /> .Page 3, -under 5—The Dog Waggin1, line 6, delete behind the cart-al her home,
<br /> and change the words small refrigerator to utility box
<br /> - Page 3, under 5—The Dog llaggin', lire 7, delete the words connected at the
<br /> horse and insert the word refrigerator before the word grill
<br /> Page 4, under 9. Din 's , change the word Shower to Showy in lines 1,2, and 4.
<br /> Page 4, under OLD BUSINESS, 2. Tinder Box, line 2, charge Meri a to Marina
<br /> Page 4, under OLD BUSINESS, 3. 35 Edgewatdr Drive., line 1$ -delete the words
<br /> Doggy Kennel
<br /> Page 4, under oLBUSINESS, 3. 35 Edgewater Drive, line 3, insert the words
<br /> weight of the before the word soil
<br /> A motion was rade, seconded and passed to approve as amended the minutes of the
<br /> Bid meeting of 5/14/08.
<br /> The following corrections were made to the May 28, 2008 minutes:
<br /> - Page 1, under APPOINTMENTS, 7:00 PM, line 2, change the word smallpox t
<br /> Avian flu
<br /> Page 2, under y: 5 P — Rory Gangemi, line 1, change the words a no shown to
<br /> was not in attendance, and in line 2, add the words ars im'gation before the word
<br /> well
<br /> - Page 4, under 2. John's Pond Realty Trust, line 1, add 401 Rt, 161
<br /> A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve as amended the BOF minutes
<br /> from the meeting of 5128/08.
<br /> . Request for 2008 Mobile Food Establishment Pe nit: My Ice Cream Lady- 135
<br /> Pond Circle—Victoria element
<br /> Victoria Clement introduced herself to the Board. She stated that she would be driving
<br /> her ice cream truck around various locations in Mashpee, and would be at the Mashpee
<br /> Community r Famil r Event on July 1 st. Glen Harrington commented that the products
<br /> would be nor-hazardous, straight retail. Sear Safe Certification.would be a requirement.
<br /> Burton Caplan made a motion to approve the Mobile Food Establishment Permit request
<br /> for-My-ice Cream Lady, pending receipt-of Se r Safe Certification and .13011 -inspection
<br /> prior to opening. Lucy Burton seconded the motion. All approved.
<br /> 4. Request for BCT &Tide v septic Variances: 112 Uncle Per y's Road—John
<br /> Doyle
<br /> John Doyle introduced himself to the Board as representing the new owners of 112
<br /> Uncle Perc is Road. Mr. Doyle stated that a recent cesspool inspection failed, and that
<br /> two variances are needed because of the-location and the-limitations-of the lot, the first
<br /> being the SAB setback to the cellar wall down to 1 ' from 20' , and the second being the
<br /> 2
<br />