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9/10/2008 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
9/10/2008 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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iF <br /> r} <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> 1. The Quashnet school Wellness Fair—Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008. <br /> Glen Harrington and Lucy Burton stated that in past years they have always represented <br /> the BOH at the Wellness Fair, but this year they both have conflicts and cannot attend. <br /> . 2008 131-1 Fee schedule <br /> Glen Harrington distributed copies of the proposed 2008 BOH Fee Schedule to the <br /> Board members in advance of the meeting, along with his recommended adjustments, <br /> for their review and consideration. Each of the fees on the schedule was discussed by <br /> the Board, with recommendations made for adjustments where it was deemed <br /> appropriate. <br /> Lucy Burton made a motion to approve as amended the 2008 BOH Fee Schedule. <br /> Burton Kaplan seconded the motion. All approved. <br /> 3. Draft Nail salon Regulation <br /> The Board members agreed to continue discussion on the nail salon regulation, citing <br /> the need for more time for additional research on the topic. Glen Hartington provided his <br /> comments n the regulation to the Board members. <br /> . Recycling cling a lation and Enforcement <br /> Glen Harrington stated that he and Luer Burton were asked by Don Byers to attend an . <br /> Environmental Oversight Committee meeting in October lob. Glen Harrington said that ' <br /> Don Myers asked about the enforcement of the recycling regulation by the haulers. Glen <br /> Harrington stated that the BOH is not being notified that the haulers are not providing the w . <br /> recycling service, and he needs to get specific information on these violations in order t <br /> enforce the requirement for recycling. Glen Harrington stated, however, that he i <br /> informed about the solid waste issues regarding the waste that is not going to the Upper <br /> Cape Transfer Station by Mashpee-licensed waste haulers. <br /> Glen Harrington stated that he had met with the Recycling Committee, and will provide <br /> the Board members with a summary of his comments and recommendations from that <br /> meeting along with a draft of a revised recycling regulation. Glen further stated that the <br /> BOH recycling regulation needs to be updated before his and Lucy Burton's meeting <br /> with the Environmental Oversight Committee meeting in October, because currently it <br /> does not inplude all the recyclable plastics, numbers one through seven, as well as a <br /> complete list of the banned materials. Lucy Burton stated that she and Glen Harrington <br /> will need to know the position of the BOH on enforcing the regulation when they attend <br /> the October meeting, and said that there has been talk about Mash.pee adopting a policy <br /> of mandatory recycling. <br /> . FYI —scanning of BOH Pians & Electronic Filing of septic & Architectural Plans <br /> Glen Harrington stated that a part-time clerk is working in the GIB Department, using <br /> some of the Title V funds, because the clerk was going to be let go, and all the scanning <br /> was going to come to a halt. The clerk had made it through all the architectural plans <br /> through A & B, which reduced the required BOH cabinet space by 35%. Kalliope Egloff <br /> stated that she would provide Glen Harrington with information on grant money available <br /> from CPA for historical scanning. <br /> 4 <br />
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