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MLvi'ates of tke meet'�'VLO <br /> MASKPeE �fCXkS1N<rj ART�t0PlTy <br /> Yo( Of a Vel.V L,L&S, Vk1 S <br /> AU 2, 201.0 <br /> IF 7H15 MEE77NG WA 5 A UD10 TAPED, IT IS FOR 77-IE PURP05ETRA '� N ONL Y, <br /> The meeting was called to order by the vice-chairperson at 6:05 PM. A quorum was declared with the <br /> following members present: Fran Laporte, Jill Allen, David Harsch, and Kevin Shacl ett. Richard Halpern <br /> was excused. Also in attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary, Vincent Gault, <br /> Maintenance Superintendent, and two members of the public. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on March 18, 2010 were presented. A motion was by Ms. <br /> Allen and seconded by Mr, Shackett to accept the minutes as presented, The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative: Mrs. Basford reported that Torn Joy could not come until tomorrow, so <br /> this month's budget to actual report will not be prepared until then. She will forward to all board and <br /> explain any variances. She does not expect there to be anything out of the ordinary. <br /> Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford reported the warrants for signature tonight are for the month of larch <br /> 2010 and total as follows: $17,384,.60 for 4001, $6,983-00 for Section B, $21,048.00 for MRVP, and <br /> $31,076.59 for Asher's-Path. <br /> ,�� <br /> Rent, elin uencies: k 1r .r Botsford reported that We have all rents paid in,fu I I at Breezy.Acres. I�Ife still y ,w <br /> have one}resident at Asher{s Path that has not paid rent and the att& y has started the eviction <br /> process.- We-have one resident at Homeyer Village who has not paid and Irs..Botsford has contacted our <br /> attorney.on it..We-have no vacancies at Asher's Path, Homeyer Village or Breezy Acres. ;M rs..'Botsford <br /> Mated that she does expect-two vacancies here at Horeer Village at the end of the month and she has <br /> started the process for tenant selection. Mr. Laporte asked what we expect for unit renovation and Mrs. <br /> Botsford responded that both units will need new flooring. One of the residents has been here for 20 <br /> years and the other resident has had some cleaning issues. <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Har ch and seconded by lis.Allen to accept the treasurer's report <br /> as presented. The motion was adopted,. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her report to the board for the previous month and it is attached <br /> to these minutes as Attachment A. firs. Botsford added the following as ars addendum to her March <br /> report: <br /> • All annual inspections have been completed. , <br /> r •- I re eiv d the written.Property,I Management Review' report from f as Housing, Which I've <br /> -' <br /> responded-to. A copy-of,.b both the report and my response'is provided to:you I your board, <br /> . , <br /> ,F , Pacl �th is evening. <br /> -- The -increase-annualfor the custodian-amounted to b.eut %this year-effective April:1. (Labor <br /> and industries issues a minimum amount that we can pay our maintenance emplo gees each <br /> -i <br /> year). Vincent is above the minimum amount, but I arra hoping we can offer hien a similar raise <br /> ,when-we do the budget for-next year. <br />