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11/18/2010 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
11/18/2010 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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attending the next Communication Preservation Act Committee meeting to give them ars update as well. <br /> That meeting is on December 14, 2010. HAC is still trying to negotiate the details of the agreement with <br /> the town in order to tie into the Mashpee High choolfs septic treatment facility. The application for <br /> funding of the project has been submitted to DHCD and we are hoping to hear mid-December whether or <br /> not it will be funded this round. If not this round, we will reapply ire the spring for the next round of <br /> funding. The board thanked Ids. Denner for the updates. After a brief discussion, a motion was made <br /> by Nor. Laporte and seconded by Mr. Shackett to authorizing Mrs, Botsford to sign the <br /> Development Agreement with HA , accepting the changes they requested. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> SECRETARY'S Y` REPORT: <br /> T: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on October 14, 2010 were presented. A mo on was rade by Ms. <br /> Allen and seconded by Mr. shacl ett to accept the minutes as Pres ntedf The motion was <br /> adopted <br /> T EA UREW REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual Deport: firs. Botsford presented the budget to actual report, prepared by the fee <br /> accountant, and reviewed it with the board, explaining the variances. Mrs. Botsford reported that, since <br /> our Fiscal Year 2811 hes not yet been approved, this report is based on last year's figures. <br /> Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. The warrant for signature <br /> tonight is for the month of October 2010 and total as fol lows: $3,364.10 for 4001 f $7,417.00 for Section <br /> , $21,803.00 for MRVP, and $31,065.55 for Asher's Path Apartments. <br /> Rent Delinquencies: We have all rents paid in full at Breezy Acres, Horneyer Village and Asher's Path. <br /> motion was made by Ms,Allen and seconded by Mr, Shackett to accept the treasurer's <br /> report as presented,. The motion was adopted, <br /> EXECLMVE DIf ECTOW REPORT: <br /> T: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her report to the board for the months of October she added <br /> the following as an addendum to her report: <br /> • I attended the I assNAHl o Fall conference is from November 14-17. Part of the training off=ered <br /> at the conference was for the new Capital Improvement System (CPS) that DHCD is starting. <br /> This is a new database system which will outline the housing authority's needs for Capital <br /> Improvements. From this system, we will have to produce a Capital Improvement Plan CIP <br /> which will need to be submitted for approval by DHCD sometime next year. Unfrortunatly, the <br /> CPS slows hundreds of thousands of dollars of capital improvements the housing authority <br /> SHOULD do over the next 10}rears, but the formula funding we have been approved to receive is <br /> about$72,000.00. Everyone in the state is in the same situation. We will reed to prioritize work <br /> and come up with our plan based on that. I will be meeting with Vincent regularly, hold a <br /> (required) meeting with residents for their input, thea make a presentation to the board with my <br /> recommendations. This will be a lot of work and I don't expect to be ready to present anything <br /> to you for several months. The board will be required to sign a contract for the monies it just <br /> carne in the mail) and so this will need to be on our next agenda. I'll keep your updated. <br /> • A Loss Control Survey was performed and a report recently received. A copy is in your file <br /> tonight. There were no recommendations resulting from this survey. <br /> • I HIC carne to Asher's path on November 12 to do their annual review and audit. Everything went <br /> extremely well. A copy of their report is in your file tonight. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> p.Droval of Hom@)erVillage Tenant Cable Fee_increase: Mrs. Botsford explained that residents were <br /> currently paying $11.95 for cable in their apartments but that the housing authority was paying for the <br /> -2- <br />
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