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1 <br /> r ' <br /> HISTORIC PRESERVATION/CONWUNITY CHARACTER ELEMENT <br /> GOALS & O .I CT S <br /> As recommended by Historical Commission on January 17, 1995. <br /> AL#1: TO ENSURE THAT 1ASHPEE'S USQUE HISTIRJC AND CULTURAL <br /> HERITAGE IS PRESERVED. <br /> SAL #2-6 TO ENSURE THAT OUR IMPORTANT HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGIC <br /> RESOURCES AND SITES ARE PROTECTED AND PRESERVED. <br /> a <br /> AL#3: TO ENSURE THAT THE CULTURE AND HISTORY of MASHPEE IS <br /> PROPERLY PRESENTED TO MASHPEE RESIDENTS AND VISITORS. <br /> u96AL#4: TO PRESERVE AND PROTECT THE COMMLT LAITY CHARACTER AND <br /> QUALITY OF LIFE THAT MADE MASHPEE A UNIQUE AND IDENTIFIABLE <br /> PLACE AND AN ENJOYABLE PLACE TO LIVE. <br /> .4 <br /> SAL 45: TO ENSURE THAT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT REI T AICD REDEVELOPMENT T IS IN <br /> HARMONY WITH THE VISUAL CHARACTER OF THE RURAL LANDSCAPE <br /> AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT OF MASHPEE. <br /> I <br /> *ectivs <br /> VA. To develop and maintain an inventory of important historic resources and sites, <br /> archaeologically significant sites and areas, outstanding scenic landscapes, roads and views, <br /> including views from the water,, important street trees, unique or exemplary structures, and <br /> other buildings, sites or features which help define the historic, cultural and aesthetic <br /> character of Mashpee. <br /> . To ensure that the Mashpee Wampanoag tribal identity and cultural heritage is maintained as <br /> an integral part of the town's cultural fabric. <br /> . To establish cultural heritage programs and facilities that will educate Mashpee residents and <br /> visitors about our unique cultural, recreational and historical resources and heritage. <br /> . To ensure that cultural institutions, events and activities are an integral Part of community <br /> life. <br /> . To ensure that them is adequate funding for lfahpee's cultural and historic preservation <br /> organizations and programs. <br /> 1/17/95 <br />