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MA IPE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> SEPTEMBER 255 1996 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> IV OLD BUST-NESS: (Continued) <br /> 1. Inventory procedures: (Cont'd) Joanne continued: The Locator Scheme '.s <br /> basically the process that Jim has been preparing. He has explained <br /> the numbers to the members. <br /> Joanne explained, relative to the copies of the "Survey of Historical <br /> Records Repositories in Mrass."which casae from the Mass. Historical <br /> Records Advisory Board and had been passed out to the meeting; what <br /> the Mass. Historical Commission want to know is{whether we have any <br /> original materials in the following categories. The question is, do the <br /> members-want to send this information so that they can complete the <br /> longer questionnaire. D want to pursue this <br /> Joanne suggested that while Jim was preparing the inventory and setting <br /> up the system, perhaps he and Joanne could work together on the above <br /> Matter, <br /> In R. Burns' opinion, she felt it was important that they share this , <br /> P <br /> nformation, as we would li <br />