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i <br /> MASHPFE HISTORICAL COiI S SI old <br /> REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING <br /> WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1997 <br /> 9:30 A. M. <br /> I MEMBERS ROSEMARY BURN <br /> PRESENT: JOSEPH CONNOLLY <br /> FRANK HICK <br /> GORDON PETERS <br /> ANN WHITLOW <br /> II MINUTES of PREVIOUS MEETING; <br /> The minutes of the January 8, 1997 meeting were accepted as presented. <br /> III REPORTS: <br /> A. Computer update: Ann Whitlow reported that they had reported an esti- <br /> mated amount of $3,000 in their budget for the purchase of a new computer. <br /> They had received three quotes, as-was required by the Town of Mashpee: <br /> Computers without Fear <br /> Superior Office Products <br /> Mr. Marinelli <br /> Ann has been working with Steven Buss, the Town Network Coordinator, who <br /> has been able to come up with the best deal relative to the purcba a of <br /> a computer. . Axon distributed to the meeting copies 'of the price quote <br /> o $2,962 through Steven buss. It explained the package they would be <br /> receiving with the computer. A Laser Printer was included in this <br /> package. (black and white) <br /> Ann explained that this had a 15" monitor. For another $100.00, they <br /> could have a 17" monitor, Put -to a vote, the members agreed to change <br /> the 1.5" monitor to a 17" monitor. <br /> Gordon Peters moved that the- H. C. purchase the computer as it has <br /> been presented to us. Frank seconded the motion. All in favor. So <br /> moved. <br /> B. budget Update: Ann Whitlow explained the H. C. had asked for a mise <br /> from $4,-400 to $6,000. They applied for the $6,000 budget amount, and <br /> it was returned denied. <br /> The H. C. felt with the purchase of the computer, and the additional <br /> expenses related to the computer, etc. , they would need a larger budget <br /> amount. The Town Fathers wanted to remain level funded. <br /> Rosemary Burgas stated it was disappointing that recognition was not <br /> given to the importance of what the H. C. was doing for the town. <br /> Recognition is shown in funds granted. When we make a legitimate, <br /> reasonable request, we expect it to be honored to show respect to what <br /> we are doing. <br /> Discussion f ollored. <br />