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MASHPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> r� t <br /> REGULAR MONTHLY ME 1I <br /> MONDAY, OCTOBER 205 1997 <br /> 9:30 A. M's <br /> I MEMBERS PRESENT: JOAN E FERRAGAM09 CHAIRMAN <br /> ROSEMARY BURNS <br /> FRANK WOKS <br /> JIM MCROIEY <br /> ANN WHITLOW <br /> II MINUTES of PREVIOUS MEETING: <br /> The minutes of the August 20, 1997 meeting were accepted as presented. <br /> IIT REPORTS: <br /> A. Budget: Joanne reported that the historical commission budget totaled <br /> approximately $4,700.00. <br /> B. Nantucket Trip: R. Burns reported that Jim, Ernestine, Ray Martini and <br /> Rosemary Burns travelled on the ferry. It was estimated, there was a <br /> group of approximately 28 people. They had been given a wonderful tour. <br /> In the afternoon, they were on their o rn. Rosemary looked into the <br /> research library and found several mentions of Ma hpee names, Nathan <br /> Poc .nett and Joseph Gardner. Rosemary felt she would like to return <br /> again to l antucket, follow through, and make copies of the records <br /> available. <br /> In Joanne's opinion, they should be reimbursed by the Torn of Mahpee <br /> for the expenses involved in their trip. Joanne suggested they submit <br /> their paperwork for reimbursement. <br /> C. Heritage Cape Cod: Ann Whitlow explained that they had had two meetings <br /> with Heritage Cape Cod; the first, Joanne had attended, and' the second was <br /> attended by Axon Whitlow,, <br /> Joanne explained that Heritage Cape Cod had expanded beyond what they <br /> had originally started out to do. The Heritage Cape Cod geek originally <br /> intended, to promote the historical societies on the cape. They have gone <br /> beyond the Heritage Cape Cod Week. Now they want to have it all year <br /> round. They have received a large grant to promote all of this, Joanne <br /> attended a brainstorming session on how to better identify ghat it i <br /> they are doing. They are still in the process of reidentifying their <br /> rain purpose. <br /> Ann explained that she had attended the Heritage Cape Cod quarterly meet- <br /> ing which met on October 6, 1997. They had received $2.5,000 from Mass. <br /> Cultural Council on that grant. At this meeting, they gave the Mashpee <br /> Histori <br />