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MASHPE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING <br /> MONDAY , FEBRUARY 9 . 1998 <br /> 9 : 30 A. M. <br /> I MEMBERS PRESENT : .JOANNE FERRAGAMO ,, CHAIRMAN <br /> ROSEMARY BURNS <br /> FRANK HICKS <br /> GORDON PETERS <br /> ANN WHITLOW <br /> II MINUTES of PREVIOUS MEETING: <br /> Corrections : P . 1 . under Reports : Item B . Delete Ray <br /> Martini. <br /> P . 1 , Item B . line 6 . charge "JosephGardner" to Jeanne <br /> Gardner" . <br /> P . 1 , last paragraph, line 6 . correction of spelling o <br /> "Flogberg" to "Flodberg" <br /> Minutes accepted as corrected . <br /> III REPORTS <br /> A# Budget for 1998 : Copies of the Town of Mashpee Expense <br /> Ledger , Budget Preparation were passed out to the meeting . <br /> .Joanne explained that accord Ing to this record , they had <br /> $4 , 300 left in their budget . <br /> Page 2. of this packet stated Goals and Plans. for Fiscal <br /> Year 1999 . Joanne felt they were doing pretty well fol- <br /> lowing these goals . However , one of the items they had <br /> planned to do , some of the monies were to be used to sur- <br /> vey a cemetery plot , which they had not pursued . <br /> .Joanne explained that she and Aran Whitlow had been dis- <br /> cussing the budget for next year with Bob Whritenour . He <br /> stated that we may be able to receive a grant to survey <br /> all of the cemetery plots . Ann will look into that before <br /> they expend their monies . <br /> Joanne continued , out of the $41, 300 for the next part of <br /> this , they had discussed getting an official display sys- <br /> tem. ,Joanne explained that the difficulty with their <br /> dividers was they were not tall enough for their needs * <br /> Rosemary moved that the H. C . begin ordering , and spend <br /> up to $2 , 000 for exhibit materials , Gordon seconded the <br /> motion . All in favor . So moved . <br /> Ann whitlow explained that they had a new phone and a new <br /> telephone number which was strictly for the computer use . <br /> The new telephone number : 539-2774 . <br />