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MASHPEE H COMMISSION <br /> `yam' O i <br /> 5/11198 <br /> i <br /> PACE <br /> I-V 01D BUSINESS . <br /> A,, Heritage Cape Cod : Joanne announced that the date had <br /> been changed to Sunday, June 14th, 1 - .4 p . m. It was <br /> agreed that the Archives would be closed Monday, ,dune 8th <br /> and 'Thursday, June lith to prepare for the open house . <br /> A table with the Weights and Measures and the book col- <br /> lection will be one of the focal points . <br /> Joanne hoped that they would be able to get a picture of <br /> Forest Gifford since they were working on that , <br /> Joanne suggested that they try to add more people-pictures <br /> for the photo exhibit this year . <br /> Joanne explained that she hd prepared a mailing list . <br /> The comm iss Toners will go through that to determine' whether <br /> there were any other naves they should add . <br /> V CORRESPONDENCE <br /> A. R. Burns stated that they had received a notice from the <br /> Mass , Historical. Commission. . The report was requested <br /> returned by May 1st , It was dated April .23rd but the <br /> H. C . had not received it until April 30th. Mass . Historical <br /> were asking to confirm the present owners of the museum <br /> and the meeting house. Rosemary was hoping that she would <br /> hear from Jessica Roc r oft today. There were several sub3ects <br /> she wanted to discuss with her . Rosemary felt that the 'Town <br /> should verify the present owners of the above properties , <br /> It was agreed that Joanne should send a note to Bob Whr <br />