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I � <br /> HISTORICAL, -COMMISSION <br /> 8/1.7/98 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> III REPORTS : (Cont 'd) <br /> A. Ann explained that she and Rosemary had'. meet with Tr,ish Ke1l.inui . <br /> They plan to meet with Trish again on Monday; - -ep-.tember 24th. <br /> She will bring in her photographs and .memorab il:is. ' It will b <br /> decided how to set up the ex.hibit . It- has been decided that <br /> the. exhibit will be a private opening . It had been. left up to <br /> Trish how .she wanted. her mother to be remembered. <br /> Clara Kelliinui was -the first sel.ectwoman in Mashpee . and on <br /> Cape Cod. When she r s el a tman her name. was Clara Pet ear s <br /> Bigelow. ' <br /> Ann indicated- that s-he would like all of the- commissioners <br /> present for this oocasi,on. Refreshments will be served . <br /> Be Suggest ions ' for hiring a clerk - The historical commission <br /> has been abed to compile a job description . The personnel <br /> department will determine the expertise, job skills and <br /> salary- of the applicant . <br /> It was. discussed that the department head should meet with <br /> the personnel board to describe the type. of applicant they <br /> have in mind . <br /> Iv NEW BUSINESS : <br /> Acquisition from Jacgois Nahelyah. (Morning Star) - photos.: Ann <br /> stated that she would like to be -able to have some ,sort of meet- <br /> ing so all of the commissioners -would be able to meet her. She <br /> donated three photos , two of the meetinghouse , and one of the <br /> public library. <br /> Rosemary moved that we accept the three new photos with gratitude . <br /> Motion- seconded . All in favor . So moved , <br /> J <br /> Ann will draft a- letter thanking Jaognis Nah.elyah for the photos . <br /> B* Mashpee chamber Business After -Roars : Joanne would like to <br /> know if the commission would be interested in having - the Mashpee <br /> Chamber conduct their meetings at th.e. Archives Building . <br /> Discussion. <br /> It was moved and- agreed to : 3ndef initel table - the idea until <br /> they learned more about what would, b in olved'. It was also <br /> agreed that the Archives was probably not large enough t-o ac- <br /> commodate -the number o.f people who wo-uld attend Mashpee Busi- <br /> ness After Fours . <br />