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1 <br /> Historical Commission, 16/ 99 <br /> Page <br /> IV REPORTS : Cont inued <br /> Cemetery Survey : As it turned out , they, will survey all <br /> three plots , but they will dig one that the H. C. members <br /> chose#. Ann chose the M e Burial. Ground : This will <br /> be executed the weed of March 22nd * Joyce Clements , Ar- <br /> haelog is.t will do the . dig . <br /> Ann plans to meet with .Lee Potter. Ann felt that Lee as <br /> chairperson of the Cemetery Commission should be informed . <br /> It was agreed that perhaps Ann should call Bobhrl.tenour- <br /> and f ill him in on the above. <br /> Jim Moroney suggested that since this was a delicate ares. <br /> that we should move carefully, and do as much as we can <br /> to keep everybody happyb <br /> D, Open Space Committee : Ann , explained that when the town <br /> purchased the open space parcels , she felt that it would <br /> be important t' - have a little history of the parcels-- that <br /> they were considering- buying . Mr . Whritenour. ogre-ed , and <br /> Listed it on the docket f r the selectmen. Ann was ap- <br /> pointed as the ex officio member- of th-e open space committee . <br /> Unfortunatel ' s ince. Ann has been takin . the c omputer course <br /> she has been unable to attend , Jim Moroney agreed to attend <br /> the Open Space Committee meetings in Ann ' s stead , when she <br /> could not attend . <br /> Ann has copies of. all of their minutes and agenda- for the <br /> H, C. members to review. <br /> E. Computer : Ann explained that Monday and 'Thursday , she <br /> - will be doing ACCESS Course. That will be the end of het <br /> courses . <br /> V OLD BUSINESS : <br /> A. Calendar for Millenium Celebration : At the previous meet- <br /> ing , Ann had. d iuse-d with the meeting her plan to have 1. <br /> a caLlendar for the 'Iowa of Mashpee printed as a keepsake <br /> of the millenium. - and as the c-ommissionts project for the <br /> year 2000 . Aran . reviewed with the members the costs involved . <br /> Ann felt that with their budge ; they were going to have a <br /> problem. It had been Ann ' s idea to give then-e calendars as <br /> a gift . as a mom nto , however, if ' they were going' to do it , <br /> it would be better to order the 3 ,'000 calendars printed . <br /> However, that came to a total. of $3 , 280 . 00. Ann had planned <br /> to have a wonderful cover on it , an-d 12 old photos that <br /> would mark the century of Mashpeev <br /> Ann will bring up this issue again when they had a full <br /> member hi'p. present , but she wanted the members to realize <br /> that this would be an expensive undertaking * <br />