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Historical Commis i.on <br /> 10/25/99 <br /> PAGE <br /> I NEW BUSINESS : (Continued <br /> B . Little Neck Bay: Ann explained that several remains. of <br /> human bodies were discovered in an excavation in the Little <br /> Deck Bay area, The Mass. Historical Commission had cant-acted <br /> the Mashpee Historical Commission and they had met at the <br /> Tribal. Council to discuss the problem. <br /> Rosemary explained that she had had a conversation with the <br /> abutting neighbors who mention that they continue to see <br /> trespassers on the property. As- soon as the State completes <br /> their analysis of the remains , they will return the remains <br /> to th.e earth <br /> The builder has dec-lined to . builds and Mr . Vaccaro will take <br /> care of gest-ing the lot covered over once the remains were <br /> returned to the earth. <br /> TTI TR.ER: <br /> A. The- Archives Basement : Ann explained that they now had <br /> their maps stored in the Archives basement . Ann would like <br /> to make a few purchases to make it more cozy. <br /> B . The Ellis Rug * The rug has been returned to Mrs . Ellis ' <br /> asse sion.. Ann felt that when the rr has been restored , <br /> 1� , <br /> it would be a wonderful gesture if the H. C . recommended <br /> that the Tribal Council be the caretakers of the rug in <br /> the future . <br /> Rosemary moved that the H. C. recommend to the Town of <br /> Mashpee that the Trl.bal Counc it be the caretakers of the <br /> Ellis Rug at such time as the museum renovations were <br /> completed , and they would be able to reserve it there . <br /> Frank Flicks seconded . All in favor . So moved . <br /> C. Ann Whitlow has been conducting tours for the Mashpee <br /> Women ' s Club called "Know Your Town's . Ann would like to <br /> do a tour of the Archives for the Women ' s Club in December . <br /> Rosemary mored that the Archives be open to the Mashpee <br /> omen ' - Club to conduct an 1i nfor€nat Tonal tour in December . <br /> Frank seconded the motion . All in favor . So moved . <br />