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r ` <br /> MASHPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 , 1 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> Iv OLD BUSINESS: Continued <br /> Mashpee Indian Museum Proposal: (Continued) Joanne briefly <br /> explained that all members had received copies of the Indian <br /> Museum Proposal. She wanted to mention two things in regard <br /> to the ruseume mast weep Earl Hicks (DPW) had visited the <br /> Archives. Joanne had previously requested that someone look <br /> into the museum relative to the 125th anniversary. Earl <br /> Hicks stated that the museum was in quite a state of disrepair. <br /> He stated that if the town does not get to it', it is going to <br /> he problematic, The entire foundation requires lifting. With <br /> time it has deteriorated further. The front room is unsafe <br /> for occupancy. <br /> Joanne explained that last week she had attended a meeting <br /> with Russell Peters and Jim Vaccaro to discuss the 125th An- <br /> niversary. The conversation happened to focus on the Indian <br /> Museum and the transfer to the Tri <br />