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1 <br /> i <br /> #To ,t;rn o <br /> + 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> bf sh ee, Massachusetts 02649 <br /> e - 9- <br /> Fax - (508) 539-2774 <br /> MAS]HPEE MSTORI AL COMMISSION <br /> Minutes of Meeting,April 4,2006 <br /> The Town of Mashpee Historical Commission meeting was called to order at the Axchives Building at 10:1 II on <br /> Tuesday,April 4,2006. Chainnan Lee Gurney presided. <br /> Commissioners Present: Rosemary ary Burns, Lee Gurney,Pada Peters, Gail Slattery,Joseph Slattery. <br /> Commissioner Absent: Sunny Merritt. <br /> The Minutes of the meeting held on November 29,2005 were approved as read. <br /> Reports: <br /> • budget—Before the next 11 ashpee Historical Commission meeting in May 2006, there will be review of <br /> the budget to determine balances available. At that time there will be a discussion ars flow best to use these <br /> funds; i . Books,binding of other materials, equipment,etc. <br /> Administration—we are continuing to work on verifying"actual"vs. our data base. <br /> • Schoolhouse Friends—Sunny Merritt submitted a copy of the application to the CPAC for funds to furnish <br /> the.School House, <br /> PA —(Community Preservation Act Committee)representative,Paula Peters indicated that several <br />} applications have been submitted. The CPAC Committee will begin to review the applications. <br /> • Mini-exhibits—Gail Slattery and Paula Peters will be planning a display for the Post Office relative to the <br /> initial Federal Recognition approval. <br /> • People of Colo-—Mar-lam Estrella has been out temporarily, she does plan to continue to work on her <br /> project. Also, she would like to meet with the Commission. <br /> Photos around town—Joe Slattery will continue to talo pictures of the on going projects. <br /> • Paula Peters, Rosemary Burns and Lee Oumey went to a meeting hosted by the Old Tillage Association of <br /> Chatham organized by Carol Pac n on March 17,2006. CPAC ideas were shared from the 7 towns <br /> represented. One on the discussions centered around the option of "demolition delays". Sharon Kojef <br /> i from the Cape Cod Commission also participated. <br /> Old business: <br /> • 2006 work plan was discussed and input by members was noted. Paula Peters plans to research and write a <br /> #'literary portrait"on blind Joe Amos. whoever writes the history may copyright the material and a copy <br /> will be submitted to the Archives. See up-date of the 2006 work Plan attached. <br /> * The next meeting will be bold on the first Tuesday, May 2nd at 10:00 AM at the Archives Building. <br /> • Our four regular volunteers(Pat Leonard, Paula Webster,Judy Godin,Franc Kelly)will be out from May <br /> 15 to September 15,2006. we do appreciate the work that they accomplish. <br /> New Business: <br /> Rosemary Burns made a motion to make an official request to receive a copy of the documentation of the <br /> Petition of the Mashpee Tribal Council. This motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Lee <br /> Gurney will contact the Town Manager. <br /> • Also,Paula Peters suggested that we request a copy of the oral history taped by Dr. Cook of the Bureau of <br /> Indian Affairs. <br /> _ J <br />