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We are in the process of transferring our accounts to Cape Cod Bank&Trust. Signature cards <br /> meed to be sxgmed. Accounts to be open include Money Market et Match (11nierest.bearing check <br /> and savings) account for 0001; interest bearing checking accounts for Section 8 and MRVP. <br /> . <br /> ADP for check writing is no longer a free service. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> A motion was made by Mr.Long and seconded by Mrs.Brooks approving attendance to the fad <br /> NAHRO conference to be held in Springfield in November. The motion was adopted. The <br /> Director was authorized to register the director and three commissioners and reserve two hotel <br /> rooms for two rights. <br /> Mr. Peoples advised the Board that he had been contacted by Ed Allard, Cape Cod Conimission. <br /> Mr. Allard is looking for someone to represent Mashpee on the Commission's Home Consortium <br /> Board. Mr. Coag volunteered to represent Mashpee. The appointment is the responsibility of <br /> the Board of Selectmen. <br /> Mr. Peoples opened the floor for nomination of officers. <br /> CHAIRPERSON: <br /> A motion was made by IVCs.Rudd and seconded by Mir. Long, nominating Stu Peoples to the <br /> fli.e of Chairperson. The motion carried. Aotion was made by Mrs.Brooks nominating Ms. <br /> Rudd to the office of Chairperson. The motion failed for lack of a second.. <br /> ICE-CHA.fRP14RS : <br /> A.motion was made by Mrs. Mills and seconded by Mrs. Brooks, norrninat <br />