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I y <br /> lack of a second. Mrs.Mills requested that copies of the Agreement be made available to all <br /> Board members for action at the next medmg-, <br /> Some discussion ensued with regard to proper meeting ptocedure and Whether or not Robert's <br /> u.ies of Order are adhered to. It was agreed upon that any agenda it requiring atiori be <br /> forwarded t o members prior to the meeting 86 that all may be informed and knowledgeable of`the <br /> issue prior to coming to the table-four actio'n' . <br /> Monies are available from EOCD through the Department of Mental Retardation DMR fok <br /> special needs housing. Nara,.Mills has mad6 contact with the local office;aiid has viewed th- o <br /> prospective site with the Director. Ms.Reed has contacted Tom Fudula and obtained copies of <br /> site plans and is in the process of obtaining the deed. The Board requested that the Director <br /> proceed and contact Barbara Boro at DMR afid invite her to the next 9 o- "a meeting. <br /> Nis. Reed advised the Dowd that the Barnst lia She'r'iffs Dep rtrnerit Co mit Service Cie vv <br /> is working at the Housing Authority. They hav welshed all i endows,screens,cleaned gaiters, <br /> worked on the roof,cleaned brush,etc. <br /> The Tenant's Association advised that the Dirrector attends their meetings when requested and <br /> everything seems to be#rmd. Nothing to report: <br /> The next meeting was scheduled for ThufrSdayj May 9, 1996 at 7:00 p,in. <br /> There being not further business to come before this Board,a motion.was made by Mr.Bong and <br /> seconded by Mrs.Brooks to ac outn the meeting. The motion carried. <br /> l espectfu y submitted, <br /> Carolyn A.Ved,Secretary <br /> Executive Director' <br />