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r. <br /> Minutes of the Meeting <br /> f the Mr shpee Housing Authority <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> April 10, 1997 <br /> The meeting was celled to order at 7:02 p.m. and a quorum declared with the following member <br /> in attendance: Stu Peoples, Antoinette Brooks, Constance Mills and Karen Redd. Also in <br /> attendance was car lyn A. Reed, Executive Director, Cheryl Burke and Terry Baril, residents. <br /> a <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> A motion was rade by Mrs. Brooks and seconded by Nis. Rudd to accept the Minutes of the <br /> Meeting held on March 13, 1997 with the following addition--that the Masbpee Housing Authority <br /> continue pursuing additional land for development of affordable housing. The motion carried. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> All rents and/or repayment plans are current and up to date. <br /> The Director advised members that the accessible unit is still vacant. A lengthy discussion <br /> ensued regarding the legality of approving ation-handicapped (physically) applicant to tenant an <br /> accessible unit. Also discussed was local resident yrs. non-local resident. Ms. Reed referred to <br /> the Tenant Selection regulations with regard to both issues. The Board directed MIs. Reed to <br /> advertise the vacant unit in the cape cod Times, Mashpee Messenger and the cape l erdean <br /> Dews, as well as inform neighboring housing authorities. Ms. Brooks requested that she go on <br /> record that if no handicap individual applies, the next person on the wait list be offered the unit, <br /> regardless of handicap status. <br /> Account balances as of period March 31, 1997 are as follows: <br /> 40001 $9,934.48 (Checking) $11,886.08 (Savings) <br /> M RVP $307764.60 <br /> Section $161999.72 <br /> There was one extraordinary expense incurred during the month of February, 1997, reflected in <br /> account#4390, Other Utilities--septic pumping. All other expenses were in accordance with the <br /> projected budgeted amounts. <br /> Subject to the Board's review of the Budget to Actual report and accounts payable, a motion <br /> was made by Ms. Rudd and seconded by Mrs. Mills to accept the Treasurer's Report as <br /> presented. The motion carried. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Nis. Reed reported that she is still actively working with Barbara Boro with regard to the 689 <br /> project. To date, the DIVIR has not forwarded their part of the application. Mrs. Mills agreed to <br /> work with Ms. Reed in her efforts to get moving on the application. <br /> Approval of Section 8 Management Policy, previously forwarded for review, was tabled. The <br /> Policy will be redistributed to Board members prior to action. <br /> In reviewing the Goals of the Executive Director, Ms. Deed advised the following: <br />