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r- F <br /> r <br /> Minutes ofthe Meeting <br /> of the Mashpee Housing Authority <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> May 8, 1997 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. and a quorum declared with the following members <br /> present: Karen A. Rudd, Constance Mills, and Antoinette Brooks. Excused was Stu Peoples. <br /> Also in attendance was Carolyn A. Reed, Executive Director; and, Cheryl Burke, Lois Barthel and <br /> Carol Redmond, tenants. <br /> Secretary's Deport: <br /> A motion was made by Mrs. Mills and seconded by Mrs.Brooks to accept the Minutes of the <br /> Meeting held on April 10, 1997 with the following corrections--page 2, paragraph one, , change <br /> DMH to read DMFS. The action was adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Accounts Payables, Account Balances and budget to actual were presented to the Board for <br /> review and approval. Ms. Rudd question was costs are actually attributed to account#4390. <br /> Ms. Reed will check with Mr. ,boy and report back at the next meeting. <br /> Ills. Feed advised the Board that all rents and/or repayment plans are current and Grp to date. <br /> Two of the residents who owe a large arrearage have been referred to HAC, who currently has <br /> monies to expend before dune 30th for back rent. These two residents will probably be eligible, <br /> and, if so, there arrearage will be paid. <br /> All bank balances are current as of this date. <br /> motion was made by Mrs. Mills and seconded by Mrs. Brooks to approve the <br /> Treasurer's Report as presented. The action was adopted. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> : <br /> The Director briefly reviewed the status of the 689 application. DMR is no currently willing to <br /> subunit their portion of the application because DHDD has not approved the selected model for <br /> Martha's Vineyard; therefore, Ms. Boro is reluctant to commit DMR to a program that DHDD may <br /> not approve. Telephone conversation with Alan Champagne from DHCD indicates that DHDD <br /> cannot approve/reject and application they have not seen and encouraged us to proceed with the <br /> application submission. The situation on Martha's Vineyard may be entirely different from the <br /> reed here to Mashpee. Mrs. Mills will attempt to contact the appropriate agency individual in an <br /> attempt to get this application moving. <br /> The Section 8 Management gement Policy was redistributed to members for review and tabled for action <br /> at a later meeting. <br /> Ms. Mills Inquired regarding the status of the accessible unit. Ms. Reed explained that she did <br /> not advertise as directed due to receipt of several applications from individuals who are eligible <br /> for an accessible unit. The Board; however, re-emphasized that we would lila to encourage <br /> applications from Mashpee residents. Ms. Reed was asked to advertise as previously directed <br /> y the Board of Commissioners on April 10, 1997. <br /> KIEV BUSINESS: <br />