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i <br /> I <br /> Minutes of the Meeting <br /> f the Mashpee Housing Authority <br /> Board of Corrgm*ssioners <br /> September 11, 1997 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 530 p.m. and a quorum declared with the following members <br /> present: Karen A. Rudd, Jessie Ferrm*no and Marie Younger. Excused was Stu Peoples and <br /> Constance Mills. Also in attendance were Carolyn A. Reed, Executive Director, Cheryl Burke, <br /> Carol Redmond and Lois Barthel, representing the Residents Association. <br /> Secretary's Report; <br /> motion was made by Ms. Younger-and seconded by Ms. Fermino to accept the Minutes <br /> of the Meeting held on August 14, 1991. The motion carried. <br /> Treasurer's Report: <br /> In response to a question from Ms. Fermino regarding where the monies in the savings account <br /> originated, Ms. Reed advised that this may be left over money from development, or part o <br /> operating reserve. <br /> With regard to the form reporting balances, the form will be changed to reflect interest. <br /> Service charges gill be refunded (credited) and no further service changes VAR be ap lied. <br /> Tenant delinquency report-- there are three 705 residents currently on a court-ordered repayment <br /> plan--all are current and up to date. 667 residents are all their rent. <br /> Rent roll was forwarded to members in the July packet. There are six 705 units--one of which is <br /> dedicated to the Transitional Dousing program; and, 24 our elderly development, of <br /> which there is an empty accessible unit. Anticipate this unit to be rented 10-1-97 -- LORI report <br /> on prospective tenant has just been received. <br /> Budget to Actual report--budget 'is consistent with expenditures for the first month of operation. <br /> There were no extraordinary expenses in.duly. Ms. Reed renu"nded-members that we are still <br /> working of last year's budget since we have not submitted our FY 97-98 budget. We have <br /> received pern s ion from DHCD to submi <br />